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Arabic Future Tense And Its Types, Prefix, Conjugation, And More 

Arabic Future Tense

The Arabic future tense (الفعل المستقبل) predicts actions that will occur in the future and is formed by adding the prefix س or the particle سوف to the present tense verb. While traditional grammar does not consider it an independent tense, it is widely recognized as such for practical purposes.

There are two main forms: the future simple tense, used for common predictions and intentions, and the future perfect tense, which denotes actions expected to be completed before another event in the future. 

Conjugation of Arabic future tense verbs varies based on pronouns, with examples illustrating real-life applications. The tense also has a negation form, typically using لن before the verb.

Learning Arabic future tense involves understanding its prefixes, usage for planned events, intentions, and syntax compared to other tenses. 

What is Arabic Future Tense?

Arabic future verb (اِلْفِعْلُ الْمُستقبل) predicts oncoming activities that will happen in the future time or expresses actions that are almost going o take place.

According to the Arabian grammarians’ points of view, the Arabic future formula is not considered as an independent tense. It is just the Arabic present tense verb preceded by the prefix (س) or the particle (sawfa / سوف), therefore it is not a tense from the linguistic point of view. It is called a tense, as a traditional linguistic norm.

In this article, we will shed light on some various grammatical aspects of the Arabic future tense; explaining its structure, meaning, conjugation, and its usages in the Arabic sentence syntax. Go nowhere, keep reading.

The Types of Future Tenses in Arabic:

There are two types of future tenses in the Arabic language. Here they are:

1. Arabic Future Simple Tense

All future simple verbs start with (س) or the particle (sawfa / سوف), added as a prefix to the present verb, such a letter or a particle is called the future shaping signs. (حروف الْمُستقبل). Visit the page of Shaykhi Academy’s Learn Arabic Online Course for more details. 

The future simple tense is the most common tense in the Arabic language. Its syntax formula is as follows:

 سوف / س  +  [ فعل مضارع ]

Will + [present tense]


A. Mona will write her homework.

سَتْكتُبُ مُنَى وَاجِبَها المَدرسي.

Sa’taktob Mona wagebaha al-madrasi. 

B. The government will build new schools.

سَوْفَ تَبْني الحُكومَةُ مَدَارس جَدِيدة.

Sawfa ta’bni al-hokomah madares gadeda.

2. Arabic Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is not a common future in the Arabic language. It is often used in specific cases. Let’s shed some light on its formation, meaning and its examples in the following lines.

A. Future Perfect Tense Formation

The following formula is the future perfect tense formula in the Arabic language:

س+  يكون +  قد + فعل ماضي

Will + have + PP 

It is formed by using the Arabic verb (يكون), which means (to be) preceded by the future prefix (س), then the Arabic word (قد) which is equivalent to the meaning of the past participle of the verb (have), then the Arabic past form of the main verb of the sentence.

Important note:-

The Arabic verb (يكون) comes in different shapes, So, it can be (تكون / نكون / يكونوا / أكون / يكون / يَكُن). This depends on its conjugation with the sentence subject pronoun.

B. Future Perfect Tense Meaning

The future perfect tense refers to future actions or events that are expected to have been accomplished before another action. For more details, surf Shaykhi Academy’s General Arabic Course page.


She will have slept before the movie starts.

سَتَكُون قد نَاْمتْ قبلَ أن يبدأَ الفيلم.

Sa’takoon kd na’mat kabl an ya’bda al-film.

In the above Arabic example, we used the form of the future perfect tense “ستكون قد” which means (she will have) followed by the past tense of the verb “sleep” which means “ينام” (she slept). This means that there will be two expected actions which will happen in the future, The first action is [she will sleep], The second action is [The film will start] the first action will be completed before the second action therefore it is formed in the future perfect tense.

C. Future Perfect Tense Examples:

Here are more examples for the future perfect tense:-

1. He will have written his homework before the match starts.

سَيْكُونُ قد كَتَبً وَاجبهُ قبل أنّ تَبْدأَ المُبَارْاة.

Sa’yakoon kd kataba wagebaho Kabla an tab’tae al-mo’ba’rah.

2. We will have left, before you arrive.

 سَنَكُونُ قد غًادْرنَا قَبلَ أنّ تَصْلَ.

Sankoon kd ghadarina kabl an tasel.

3. I will have fed chicken before the sun rises.

سَأكُونُ قدْ أطعَمْتُ الدَجْاجَ قَبلَ طُلوعِ الشمسَ.

Sa’akoon kd ada3mta aldajaj kabl to’lo3 alfajr.

4. She will have finished her work by 3 a.m.

سَتَكُوْن قَدْ أنّهتْ عَمَلًهْا بِحُلُولِ السَاعْة الثَالَثّةُ  صَبَاْحًا.

Sa’takon kd anhat 3amalaha beholol as-sa3a ath-thalatha sa’ba’han.

Future Tense Prefix

The simple future tense prefix is (س) or ( will / سوف) followed by the form of the Arabic present tense which is always starts with one of the following Arabic letters ( أ – ن ي – ت )

If the future act is so imminent, then (س) is preferably used. If the future act is far off, then (سوف) is preferably used.


1. I will visit my uncle next month.

سَوفَ أزورُ عَمْي الشَهرُ المُقبْل.

Sawfa azoro 3me ash-shar al-mokbil.

2. I will visit my uncle now.

سَأًزورُ عَمْي الآَن.

Sa’azor 3me al-aan.

Future Tense Forms

It is formed by transmitting the present verb form onto the future verb formula by adding (س) or (سوف) at the beginning of the  verb as a prefix.

Examples for the simple future tense verb formation:

1. I will go to the theater.

سَأذهَبُ إلى المَسْرحِ                      

Sa’ath’habo ela al-masrah.     

2. They will give me a prize at home.     

ِسَيُعطُونَني جَائَزةٌ في المَدرسَة  

Sa’yo3tonnani ga’aza fe el-madrasah 

3. He will buy a new book.

 ُسَيَشْتري كِتَابٌ جَديدٌ  

Sa’yash’tari ketabon gadedon.

4. We will attend the party.

سَوْفَ نَحَضْرُ الحَفَلةَ

Sawfa nahdero el-haflata.

Future Tense Conjugation Chart

Look carefully at the following timetable. Pay much attention to the simple future tense conjugations of the Arabic verb (ينظف / clean) with the various subject pronouns

Arabic Pronounsضمائر الفاعل العربيةEnglish Equivalent Pronounsالضمائر المكافئة بالانجليزية                                Description الوصفConjugations  التصريفات
أناIFirst Person Singularسَأُنظفُ /Sa’ao’na’thefo
نحنWeFirst Person Pluralسَنُنظفُ / Sa’no’na’thefo  
أنتYou2nd Person Singular Masculineسَتُنظفُ /Sa’to’na’thefo
أنتِYou2nd Person Singular Feminineسَتُنظْفين / Sa’to’na’thefen
أنتماYou2nd Person Dual Masculineسَتُنَظفان / Sa’to’na’thefan 
أنتماYou2nd  Person Dual Feminineسَتُنْظِفان / Sa’to’na’thefan
أنتمYou2nd Person Plural Masculineسَتُنَظِفون /Sa’to’na’thefoon
أنتنYou2nd Person Plural Feminineسَتُنْظفنَ /  Sa’to’na’thefin
هو HeThird Person Dual Feminineسَيُنظفُ / Sa’yo’na’thef
هيSheThird Person Singular Feminineسَتُنظفُ / Sa’to’na’thef
هماTheyThird Person Dual Masculineسَيُنْظِفان /Sa’yo’na’thefan
هماTheyThird Person Singular Masculineسَتٌنْظِفان / Sa’to’na’thefan
همTheyThird Person Plural Masculineسَيُنَظفون/ Sa’yo’na’thefoon
هنTheyThird Person Plural Feminineسَيُنْظفْن / Sa’yo’na’thefin

Examples of Future Tense Conjugations

Look carefully at the following examples of future tense conjugations. Pay much attention to the description between brackets. 

(First Person Singular)

A. I will write the lesson.

( سَأَكْتُبُ الدرس)

(First Person Plural)

B. We will write the lesson.

( سَنَكْتُبُ الدرس) 

(Second Person Singular Masculine)

C. You will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبُ الدرس) 

(Second Person Singular Feminine)

D. You will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبِينَ الدرس) 

(Second Person Dual Masculine)

E. You will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبَانِ الدرس)  

(Second Person Dual Feminine)

F. You will write the lesson.

(سَتَكْتُبَانِ الدرس) 

(Second Person Plural Masculine)

G. You will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبَونَ الدرس) 

(Second Person Plural Feminine)

H. You will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبْنَ الدرس)

(Third Person Singular Masculine)

I. He will write the lesson.

( سَيَكْتُبُ الدرس)  

(Third Person Singular Feminine)

J. She will write the lesson.

( سَتَكْتُبُ الدرس) 

(Third Person Dual Masculine)

K. They will write the lesson.

( سَيَكْتُبَان الدرس)

(Third Person Dual Feminine)

L. They will write the lesson.

( سَتًكْتُبَان الدرس) 

(Third Person Plural Masculine)

M. They will write the lesson.

( سَيَكْتُبُون الدرس) 

(Third Person Plural Feminine)

N. They will write the lesson.

(سَيَكتَبْن الدرس) 

Future Tense Negation

Here are a schedule of the negative form of the Arabic simple future tense for the verb (Travel /يُسافر):-

Pronouns description   نوع الضميرNegative form   صيغة النفيTranslation
1. First Person Singularلن أٌسَافْر I will not travel
2. First Person Pluralلن نُسَافْرWe will not travel
3. Second Person Singular Masculineلن تُسَافرYou will not travel
4. Second Person Singular Feminineلن تُسَافِرِينYou will not travel
5. Second Person Dual Masculineلن تُسْافِرانYou will not travel
6. Second Person Dual Feminineلن تُسْافِرانYou will not travel
7. Second Person Plural Masculineلن تُسَافِرونYou will not travel
8. Second Person Plural Feminineلن تُسَافِرن  You will not travel
9. Third Person Singular Masculineلن يُسَافْر He will not  travel
10. Third Person Singular Feminineلن تٌسَافْرShe will not travel
11. Third Person Dual Masculineلن يُسَافرانِThey will not travel
12. Third Person Dual Feminineِلن يُسَافْرانThey will not travel
13. Third Person Plural Masculineلن يُسافْرون  They will not travel
14. Third Person Plural Feminineلن  يُسَافْرن  They will not travel

Examples for the Simple Future Tense Verb Negation:- 

A. Soha will not cook the food.

 لن تَطْبُخ سُها الطَعامَ        

Lan ta’tibokh Soha el’ta3am. 

B. We will not agree to this.

لن نُوافِق عَلْى ذلكَ

 lan no’wa’feq  ala zalek.

 C. The bus will not arrive here.

لن يَصْل الأُتُوبِيس هُنْا

Lan ya’sel el-otobees hona el-bahr.

D.They will not go to the market.

لن يَذهبّنْ إلى السْوقِ يَومْ الجُمعَة 

Lan ya’zhabin ela as-sook youm el-gom3a.

Simple Tense Usages

The Arabic future simple tense reflects specific actions that are expected to occur in the future. Its multiplied usage provides different linguistic aspects in the syntaxes and semantics of the Arabic language sentence.

The future simple tense is used to state the following concepts in the future time:

1. Future Intentions:

It is often used to indicate any future intentions that will take place at a certain point of time in the future.


A. I will go to the club tomorrow at six o’clock.

ُُسَأَذْهَبُ إلىَ النَاديِ غَداً السَاعة السَادِسَة

Sa’athah’bo ela al-nady ghadin al-sa3ah alsa’dasah.

B. The boy will play football tomorrow before al-asr.

  سَيلْعبُ الوَلدُ الكُرةَ غَداً قبل العَصرَ

Sa’yal’3bo Al-walado al-korata ghdn Kabla al-asr.

2. Planned Scheduled Occurrences

The simple future tense can be used to express actions and events that refer to a planned activity or a scheduled occurrence.


A. Fatimah will travel tomorrow.

 سَتُسافرُ فاطمةُ غَداً

Sa’to’safero Fatimato.ghadn.  

B. The plane will take off at ten a.m.

  سَتُقْلعُ الطَائِرةُ في العَاشِرةِ صَبْاحًا

Sa’tokle3o al-taaerato fe al-asherato sabahn.

Future Simple Tense Chart Versus Other Tenses

The following schedule compares the Arabic future tense with other Arabic tenses. All scheduled verbs are in the form of the third person singular masculine.

المستقبل  / Futureالمضارع / Presentالماضي / Pastالأمر / Command
سَيُسَافر Will travelيسافر Travelسَافرَ Travelledسافرْ Travel
سَيُحْاول Will tryيحاول Tryحاولَ Triedحاولْ Try
سَيْطبُخ Will cookيطبخ Cookطبخَ Cookedاِطبخ Cook
سَيَنْصح Will adviseينصح Adviseنصحَ Advisedاِنصح Advise
سَيَجْلس Will sit dawnيجلس Sit dawnجلسَ Sat dawnاِجلس Sit dawn
سَيِبيْع   Will sellيبيع   Sellباعَ   Sold  ْبع      Sel
`سَيَفُوز  Will  winيفوز  Winفازَ  Wonفز       Win
سَيَتْسلّق Will climbيتسلق Climbتسلقَ Climbedتسلِقْ Climb
سَيَمْشي Will walkيمشي Walkمشىَ    Walkedاِمشىَ    Walk
سَيُغْني     Will sing يغني     Sing َغنى     Sang غنِي     Sing 

Start Your Plentiful Journey of Learning Arabic Future Tense With Shaykhi Academy

Shaykhi Academy is a leading teaching institution in the field of teaching Arabic language grammar. It will provide you with enhanced grammatical theories about the affluence and abundance of the Arabic future tense.

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Don’t forget that all Shaykhi Academy staff graduated from Al-azhr Ash-sharif University with rich experiences in the Arabic language teaching field. It is a very crucial matter that you learn under the aegis of such quality.

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Mastering the future tense is related to a successful acquisition of the Arabic language grammar. This is achieved through gaining many grammatical rules of the Arabic language.

Arabic simple future tense is commonly used in daily life. Understanding its structure lies in comprehending the Arabic sentence syntaxes. The more you learn about it, the more you become able to master the Arabic language.

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