Are you curious about teaching Prophet Muhammad’s story for kids but still need tips for an effective learning journey and character building? This article provides parents and tutors with valuable tips essential for teaching Prophet Muhammad’s story to the future generation.
Additionally, the article explores key phases of the Prophet’s biography, supported by brief narrations and moral lessons. These are designed to help parents and tutors make the learning process not just theoretical, but meaningful, with reflections and practical connections to kids’ daily lives.
Keep reading for more!
How To Introduce Prophet Muhammad To Kids?
To introduce Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to kids, tutors and parents are recommended to follow these steps:
A. Set your high objectives:
To motivate yourself and your kids, remember the importance of raising a generation that loves the source of Islam and the significance of these early efforts to save them from future problems.
B. Evidence on the truthfulness of prophethood:
Since this generation is raised on questioning the basics and being exposed to an open world of inputs full of fallacies and misconceptions, it’s important to start by building the immunity system for the kids’ faith so that they can easily deal with colleagues’ questions or those raised after being exposed to unsuitable material in the absence of parents. Simplify the different pieces of evidence on prophethood and help the kids put themselves in the Prophet’s shoes to imagine the criticality of situations urging people to hide, alter, or beautify the truth.
C. Prophet’s features and biography:
In this phase, it’s important to build the concept of practical presentation of events, relating them to kids’ daily lives to help them reflect and apply the moral lessons learned from every incident.
D. Practice-focused learning:
It’s significant to study the Prophet’s life through the books of Hadith so that kids have a detailed version of the Prophet’s character in different situations. One of the books recommended to start with in teaching Hadith is Al-Minhaj by Sheikh Ahmad As-Sayed and the 40 Hadiths of Nawawi.
E. Simple but comprehensive:
Kids have impressive cognitive and understanding skills. Prepare your material well and give a comprehensive scope for the lesson with suitable language and examples. It’s not right to keep it minimal, thinking that kids are stupid or can’t understand. Also, many of the Islamic books directed to kids are not well-covered based on this misconception.
This way, introducing stories of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to kids will be engaging and fruitful.
Prophet Muhammad’s Story For Kids
The story of Prophet Muhammad’s life is full of inspiring lessons that teach children important moral values. Following are the lessons highlighted through his story:
- Hard childhood: Though raised as an orphan and poor, the situation was not a barrier for Pophet Muhammad to be an inspiring leader.
- Start of Revelation Lesson: Almighty Allah’s choice for Prophet Muhammad to deliver His message teach us to purify ourselves to be chosen by Allah for delivering Islam.
- Exemplary Conduct Guided by the Quran: Prophet Muhammad practiced all Quranic teachings, exemplifying the highest moral standards with Allah, humans, animals, and the environment.
- Exceptional Soft Skills: His kind interactions, especially with children and the weak, made him beloved and respected. He had a dignified presence while remaining humble.
- Trust in Allah Coupled with Planning: The Hijra (migration) demonstrated how he balanced reliance on Allah with thorough planning to achieve success.
- Friendship and Loyalty: The Prophet’s sincere friendship was evident in his companionship with Abu Bakr during the Hijra.
- Active Social Engagement: Before revelation, Prophet Muhammad was actively involved in his community, contributing to its welfare.
- Truthfulness and Honesty: Known for these traits even before prophethood, he was prepared by Allah for the mission of delivering divine revelation.
- Justice: He was just not only with his companions but also with his enemies, adhering to Quranic principles.
- Bravery: His courage during hardships and battles was witnessed and admired by all around him.
- Sincerity to Loved Ones: The Prophet showed unwavering sincerity, such as his devotion to his wife Khadija, even after her passing.
- Patience and Perseverance: Despite immense challenges, he remained patient and persevered in delivering the message of Islam.
By sharing these traits through stories, children can learn valuable lessons while developing love and admiration for Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
Let’s discover more about Prophet Muhammad’s life and these traits in detail.
The Story Of Prophet Muhammad’s Childhood
Although Prophet Muhammad’s lineage placed him among the noblest tribes by divine choice, his childhood was marked by difficult events. These challenges did not prevent him from becoming the best person in the world, offering hope to children in similar circumstances:
- Orphanhood: Prophet Muhammad’s father passed away before his birth, so he never saw him. At the age of six, his mother also died, leaving him an orphan.
- Loss of Relatives: After his mother’s death, he was cared for by his grandfather, Abdulmuttalib, who also passed away two years later.
- Poverty: He then moved in with his uncle, Abu Talib, who was a poor man with many children. Prophet Muhammad grew up experiencing poverty alongside his uncle’s family.
When narrating the Prophet’s childhood, it’s important to choose events suitable for a child’s understanding: For early childhood, avoid mentioning the miraculous incident of chest cleansing (as detailed in Sahih Muslim) since young children might misunderstand or imitate it. Instead, explain how Allah prepared Prophet Muhammad’s heart for his great mission in a way that they can gradually comprehend as they grow.
Sharing the story of Prophet Muhammad’s childhood helps children recognize Allah’s blessings and inspires them to overcome challenges, showing that hardships are not barriers to achieving success.
Truthfulness And Honesty Are Necessary Traits For Prophethood & Leadership
Even before prophethood, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was known among his people as “the truthful and honest.” He never told a lie throughout his entire life. Allah prepared him for the mission of delivering divine revelation in different aspects, including these two significant traits, which encouraged truth seekers to accept his prophethood. Sarcastically, despite knowing his traits, some people of his nation disbelieved in his prophethood out of arrogance but still entrusted their deposits to him, as they didn’t trust anyone else with their belongings!
It’s important to teach our kids the significance of truthfulness and honesty in becoming closer to Allah and gaining blessings in our lives. Liars and dishonest people deprive themselves of Allah’s support, and their secrets are eventually disclosed to others over time.
Honesty is necessary for all positions, especially leadership roles, not just common ones. We should reflect on different situations and mention the positive outcomes and negative consequences of lacking these traits to encourage kids to follow our teachings.
Prophet Muhammad And Starting The Revelation
Almighty Allah chose Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to deliver the final revelation to humanity. Allah prepared him through several significant events before the revelation:
A. Good Dreams That Came True:
Before the revelation, the Prophet (PBUH) experienced good dreams that would come true as clearly as bright daylight.
B. Greeting of Stones and Trees:
Shortly before the revelation, stones and trees would greet him by saying, “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah,” whenever he passed by them.
C. Seclusion and the Beginning of Revelation:
The Prophet (PBUH) used to spend a month in seclusion every year. On the 21st of Ramadan (August 10, 610 CE), while in the Cave of Hira, Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) descended upon him. Gabriel asked him three times to read, with the Prophet astonished and frightened as Gabriel pressed him tightly. Finally, Gabriel revealed the first divine verse:
“Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists).”
D. The Prophet’s Fear and Khadija’s Support:
After this extraordinary event, the Prophet (PBUH) returned home in fear and asked his wife, Khadija, to cover him. He confessed his fear to her, and she comforted him, reassuring him that Allah would never disgrace him. She reminded him of his good deeds, i.e., helping the poor, being truthful, and maintaining family ties, serving guests generously, and assisting the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.
E. Warqa’s Confirmation of Prophethood:
Khadija then took the Prophet (PBUH) to her cousin Warqa ibn Nawfal, a scholar of early scriptures. After listening to the Prophet’s account, Warqa confirmed that this was divine revelation, the same as that sent to Prophet Moses (PBUH). He acknowledged Muhammad (PBUH) as the final Prophet foretold in earlier scriptures. You can refer to the full incident in Sahih Al-Bukhari.
Reflecting on the Story of Revelation Starting
After narrating the story, it’s essential to give children time to reflect and ask questions. This encourages them to engage with the story and understand its lessons.
Through the story of revelation, children can learn that:
Personal responsibility for self-improvement: We should strive to improve ourselves to be worthy of being chosen by Allah for noble responsibilities, such as delivering the message of Islam.
Endurance: The Prophet (PBUH) endured many hardships to deliver Allah’s message. This encourages us to imitate him and love him.
Active Social Engagement: Kids should learn to be positive taking Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a role model. Before revelation, Prophet Muhammad was actively involved in his community, contributing to its welfare. His wife reminds him of these deeds during his fear to remind him that he takes the means to avoid the disgrace of Allah.
Story of Prophet Muhammad’s Relation with the Quran
Prophet Muhammad practiced all Quranic teachings so that when his wife was asked about his conduct, she replied: “His character was the Quran”. The following prophetic practices reflect the priority of the Quran in his life—a meaning important to be delivered to our kids:
- Practice of Quranic messages: Prophet Muhammad exerted huge efforts to practice all the messages of the Quran and set a role model for his nation to follow the same way. Parents should encourage kids to understand the significance of the Quran and practice it in their lives, just as our Prophet did.
- Quranic-based judgments: When a question was directed to the Prophet or he faced an event in his personal life, he based his rulings on the Quran. Kids should see us follow this in our homes and educational environments. Also, we should teach them to do the same in their personal lives and dealings.
- Justice: Prophet Muhammad was just not only with his companions but also with his enemies, adhering to Quranic orders. For example, some verses of the Quran reveled to reveal innocence of a Jew, as Almighty Allah says at the begining of these verses: “We have sent down the Book to you ˹O Prophet˺ in truth to judge between people by means of what Allah has shown you. So do not be an advocate for the deceitful.” (4:105)
- Teaching the Quran: One of the Prophet’s major missions set by Allah in the Quran was to teach the Quran. Once the Prophet (PBUH) received the revelation of a group of verses or a chapter, he taught his companions both the words and their meanings, as well as how to practice these meanings in their lives.
For more about teaching the Quran to kids, refer to this article: How To Learn The Quran For Kids In 9 Proven Steps?
Patience and Perseverance in Prophet Muhammad’s Life
Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) life was full of challenges that inspire us on how to deal with different situations:
- Rejection, accusations, harm, and migration from his beloved place: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced numerous hardships to deliver the religion that reached us. His people disbelieved him, accused him of fabrication, harmed him, and tried to kill him. After that, he migrated to another suitable place for delivering the message, i.e., Madinah.
- Losing companions, wife, and sons: Many dear people in the Prophet’s life passed away. His dearest wife, Khadija, died at the peak of intense challenges in his mission of dawah. All his sons and daughters died before him, except Fatimah. Many of his closest companions also died or were killed in battles.
- Financial problems: Prophet Muhammad chose to live as a poor man, leaving behind materialistic pleasures. Sometimes his wives complained of poverty, and he told them what the Quran instructed him:
“If you desire the life of this world and its luxury, then come, I will give you a ˹suitable˺ compensation ˹for divorce˺ and let you go graciously. But if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the ˹everlasting˺ Home of the Hereafter, then surely Allah has prepared a great reward for those of you who do good.” (33:28-29)
All of them chose to stay with him and remain patient.
Thus, any problem we face, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced more than it. We should teach our kids that this life is temporary and that we win rewards through patience over life’s hardships.
Story of Hijra to Medina For kids
The event of Hijra is full of significant lessons to keep in our lives and teach our kids:
A. Trust in Allah Mixed with High Planning
The Hijra (migration) highlights the correct meaning of trust in Allah (Tawakkul) by attaching the heart to Allah and then seeking all possible means.
- Planned Timing and Place: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chose to make his secret journey at night when it was usually quiet and launched from a secret door in Abu Bakr’s house, not his own. He also left his cousin Ali in his bed to make the disbelievers think he was still there.
- Decoy and Taking a Guide: The Prophet took a different route to Medina to mislead any possible tracers and had a guide who knew the routes well.
- Cave Period with Necessary Steps: The Prophet planned to stay in the Cave of Thawr for three days for added security by misleading the disbelievers. During this time, trusted individuals brought him updates and food.
It’s important to teach our kids that planning is essential for true Muslims and that Tawakkul doesn’t mean being passive or waiting for external solutions only.
B. Friendship and Loyalty
Sincere friendship was evident in Prophet Muhammad’s companionship with Abu Bakr during the Hijra. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chose Abu Bakr to migrate with him. Abu Bakr sought to protect the Prophet from harm during the journey. Almighty Allah describes their bond during the Hijra in the Quran (translated meaning):
“Allah did in fact support him when the disbelievers drove him out ˹of Mecca˺ and he was only one of two. While they both were in the cave, he (the Prophet) reassured his companion (Abu Bakr), ‘Do not worry; Allah is certainly with us.’ So Allah sent down His serenity upon the Prophet.” (Quran, 9:40)
Life needs a sincere companion to support you in your relationship with Allah and the hardships of life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appreciated all the sacrifices and efforts Abu Bakr made for him, saying one day:
“If I were to have taken anyone as a close friend, I would have taken Abu Bakr as a close friend, but your companion is the close friend of Allah.” (Sahih Muslim)
Exceptional Soft Skills In Propet Muhammad’s Interactions
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) possessed exceptional soft skills that made anyone who encountered him naturally love and respect him. His interactions placed him in a high position in people’s hearts. Below are a few examples of his dealings:
- Sharing Kids’ Interests: Prophet Muhammad cared deeply for children’s feelings, played with them, greeted them warmly, and inquired about their interests. One day, he met a child who was usually seen with a bird called an-Nughair. On this occasion, the child was without the bird and appeared sad. The Prophet (PBUH) inquired about the reason for his grief, asking, “What is the matter with him?” The people replied, “His sparrow has died.” He then said, “Abu ‘Umair (the child’s nickname)! What has happened to the little sparrow?”
- Compassionate with Orphans: The Prophet (PBUH) was compassionate to all believers, as mentioned in the Quran, but orphans held a special place in his concern. For example, after the martyrdom of Ja‘far, he visited his home, asked about his children, made du‘a for them, and reassured their mother of his guardianship over them.
- Special Rank for Girls: The Prophet (PBUH) was narrated to describe girls as “the sources of delight and the valuable [ones].” He also showed unique affection for his daughter Fatima. It is narrated that whenever she entered, he would say, “Welcome, my daughter!” Then, he would have her sit on his right or left. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
- Smiling: Jarir, one of the Prophet’s companions, said, “Since the time I became Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) never saw me without smiling at me.”
- Compelling Speech with Concise Words: Prophet Muhammad was an exemplary teacher who used various methods to impact his listeners. His eloquence and concise wording, known as Jawami al-Kalim (i.e., the shortest expressions carrying the widest meanings), were unparalleled.
Finally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a dignified presence while remaining humble. He was beloved by his companions, wives, society, and all Muslims. When these meanings and situtaions delivered to the young generation, they can easily love the Prophet PBUH and improve their behavior.
Prophet Muhammad’s Bravery Reflected In Battles And Hardships
Prophet Muhammad’s courage during hardships and battles was witnessed and admired by all around him.
1. The bravery of Prophet in hard situations:
One of his companions described him in a frightening situation for people saying:
“God’s messenger was the best of men, the most generous of men, the bravest of men. One night when the people of Medina were startled and went in the direction of the sound, they were met by the Prophet who had gone in the direction of the sound before them, and he was saying, “You have nothing to fear, you have nothing to fear.” (Agreed upon)
2. Prophet’s bravery in battles:
Also, his companion and cousin, Ali, described Prohet’s bravery in battles saying:
“When the fighting grew intense on the day of Badr, we sought shelter by drawing close to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), who was one of the strongest of the people, and no one was closer to the disbelievers than him.” (Sahih: Masnad Ahmad)
Sincerity To Loved Ones In Prophet Muhammad’s Life
The Prophet (PBUH) was deeply devoted to his loved ones and never forgot them. He consistently remembered their virtues, made supplications for them, and maintained ties with those who reminded him of their memories. A clear example of this is his attitude toward his beloved wife Khadijah after her passing.
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I was not jealous of any wife of the Prophet as I was jealous of Khadijah, and it was not because I saw her. It was only because the Messenger of Allah mentioned her so much, and because whenever he would slaughter a sheep, he would look for Khadijah’s friends to gift them some of it.” (Sahih: At-Tirmidhi)
It is essential to teach children this profound value, which is often lost in today’s materialistic world. This noble behavior reflects the essence of Islamic teachings and earns reward from Allah Almighty.
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- Islamic studies for kids
- Quran interpretation for kids
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Choose the suitable program for your kids now, and take a free trial.

To conclude, teaching Prophet Muhammad’s story to kids should include the following key points:
- Good Intentions: Focus on safeguarding the younger generation from deviation by building their moral immune system and instilling strong criteria for their dealings.
- Start with Evidence on Prophethood: Begin with evidence to keep certainty in kids’ minds and strengthen their faith.
- Highlight Moral Lessons: Represent the lessons behind events to ensure practicality.
- Make It Engaging & Relative: Encourage reflection and interaction, avoid limiting the story to entertainment and ensure it relates meaningfully to their real-life experiences.
This way, the story becomes both effective and engaging. Remember, there are many challenges and barriers in this journey. Seek Allah’s support, renew your intention, and prepare well for impressive results in shaping your kids’ character!