Get An Ijazah Online

A comprehensive Ijazah Online Course for students seeking to master Quranic recitation with Tajweed and earn the prestigious Ijazah certificate. The course is personalized, with one-on-one instruction from qualified Azhary Mujaz Sheikhs, ensuring a deep understanding of Quranic memorization, recitation, and theoretical Tajweed rules.
Starting with a free trial, students can choose flexible schedules and a range of study plans, with prices beginning at $16.99 per month. The program allows learners to receive an official certification, enabling them to teach Quran to others.
The Online Ijazah course includes lessons on Tajweed, Quran memorization, and recitation of various Qira’at. Taught by renowned teachers like Dr. Mahmoud AlAssal and Sh. Luqman ElKasabany, the course covers critical skills such as memorizing the Quran, teaching Tajweed, and even granting Ijazah to future students.
Shaykhi Academy’s affordable and accessible programs, with hourly rates as low as $8.50, cater to students worldwide, making the dream of Quranic mastery a reality.
Start Your Journey with Ijazah Online Course
What An Ijazah Course?
An Ijazah course is a specialized program in Islamic education that typically involves a rigorous and structured curriculum where students study the Quran, its recitation, Tajweed (rules of Quranic recitation), memorization, and Arabic language. The course is taught one-on-one, allowing for personalized instruction and direct interaction between the student and the teacher.
The ultimate goal of an Ijazah course is for the student to demonstrate proficiency in the recitation and memorization of specific portions of the Quran, as well as mastery of Tajweed rules, under the supervision of a qualified teacher. Once the student successfully completes the course and meets the teacher’s standards, they are awarded an ijazah, which serves as formal recognition of their achievement and authorization to teach the Quran to others.
What An Ijazah?
Ijazah is a certificate granted by Mujaz Shaykh to a student who was able to read the entire Qur’an by heart with Tajweed as a license that this student is qualified to teach Quran to other students.
- Ijaza holder has the right to teach Quran to another student and give them Ijaza, and the last one has the same right, etc.
- The first one in the Ijaza is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and the angel Jibril heard Quran from Allah and transmit it to the prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, (Al-Wahy).
What Are the Types of Ijazah?
Ijaza has different types when we consider different aspects. When we consider the number of Qira’at or Riwayat, Ijazah Program can be just on one Rawy such as Ijazah in Hafs on the authority of Asim or Qari’ such as Asim (Hafs and Shubha). However, when we consider the type, it can be memorization Ijaza or Ijazah in tajweed.
Ijaza has different types when we consider different aspects. When we consider the number of Qira’at or Riwayat, Ijazah Program can be just on one Rawy such as Ijazah in Hafs on the authority of Asim or Qari’ such as Asim (Hafs and Shubha). However, when we consider the type, it can be memorization Ijaza or recitation Ijaza.
- The Ijaza in Qirat Course has different roads as it might be from Tariq Al-Shatibiyyah or Tariq ad-Durrah.
- Ijaza in recitations doesn't give the right to their holders to transmit this license to another student, unlike the normal type of Ijaza (Ijazah in Quran Memorization with Tajweed).
What is Sanad in The Quran?
The Sanad is the chain of the Shaykhs of the Shaykh that will give the Ijaza to the student, one after one, until the prophet Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wa sallam, until Gibril, until Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. When the student join Ijazah Program and get the Ijaza, they can teach students and give them the same Sanad they got as well.
- The difference between Sanad and Ijaza is the Ijaza is the certificate itself that the student got when join Ijazah Program which includes the Sanad in it. So, they can be used interchangeably because no Ijaza is give without Sanad.
- The fewer numbers of Shaykhs in the chain of the Shaykhs, the higher degree of Sanad because it's closer to the prophet Muhammad.
- When the student join Ijazah Program, they should not give the priority to the higher Sanad but to the Qualified Shakh to read to it.
Lessons Of Online Ijazah Course:
During our online Ijazah program students are expected to either read the Quran from the Mushaf or recite it by heart to a Mujaz (certified) Imam, who will grant them an Ijazah certificate, a consent to become a teacher of the Holy Quran.

Theoretical Rules of Tajweed
During this online Ijazah course you will learn theoretical rules of tajweed including the rules of Noon Sakinah, Meem Sakinah, maddh rules, Makharij and attributes of Arabic letters and many more!

Applying Practical Tajweed
In order to obtain Your Ijazah Certificate, it’s necessary to apply your theoretical Tajweed knowledge. Hence we help you to correctly apply the rules of tajweed that you have already learned.

Confirming Quran memorization
Our online ijazah course helps you confirm your memorization of the Noble Quran, through a well-organized Quran revision schedule.

Learning Al-Mutoun
Al-Matoun are poems that summarize and simplify important Tajweed and Arabic language rules to become easily learned by students, including: “Tuhfat Alatfal”, “Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazariah”, and “Al Manzumah Al Shatibiyyah”.

Learn Practical Tajweed
It is a brief text on the Tajweed in which you can learn:
1- An introduction to Tajweed.
2- The rules of the silent noon and meem, and the “tanween".
3- The rules of Mushaddad Noon and Meem.
4- Rules of the “Maddh”.

Learn How to Teach Quran
In addition to acquiring these skills and obtaining your ijazah Certificate through our online ijazah course, you will also learn how to provide ijazah to other students.
Start Online Ijazah Course Now!
How To Get an Ijazah in Quran?
Whoever wants to obtain Ijazah, whether with one narration, such as Ijazah in Hafs, Warsh, or Qalun, must memorize the Holy Quran perfectly while applying the rules of Tajweed.
This is what our online Ijaza course helps you with; as we help you master Tajweed besides helping you confirm the memorization of the Quran. Thus, here are the two main steps you need to follow in order to acquire a Quran memorization Ijazah:
- Memorizing the whole Quran perfectly while applying Tajweed rules.
- Reciting a complete and correct recitation in front of a shaykh whether by joining Online Ijazah Course or face-to-face.
Why Join an Online Ijazah Course?
Online learning -in any field- is the easiest and simplest type of learning. Online Quran Ijazah programs are a more affordable, accessible and convenient option, especially for Muslim brothers and sisters who live in non-Muslim countries. as it has many advantages including:
- Convenient Timings: Online Ijazah Programs allow you to choose your learning schedule Providing professional assistance around the clock
- Free Trial Sessions: We provide you with a free trial session, this will help you to take a quick look to make your decision before joining the online ijazah course.
- Overcoming the place barriers: Joining an online Ijazah program enables you to reach out to your Sheikh from the comfort of your home without the need to travel to a Muslim country.
- Qualified Sheikhs Graduated from Al-Azhar University: Joining an online Ijazah course enables you to be assessed by qualified tutors who graduated from Al-Azhar University, one of the largest Islamic universities in the world.
- Reasonable Costs: Online Quran Academies provide a set of cost-effective study plans with varied payment options that will suit your budget.
Online Ijazah Classes Skills
After completing our online Quran Ijazah and Qirat classes you will obtain a written consent from our Mujaz Imams to teach the Quran to other students and become a certified Quran tutor. Below are the skills you will acquire by the end of the Ijazah online course.

Help students memorize Quran
Obtaining ijazah is proof that you have memorized the entire Quran perfectly, free of any linguistic or Tajweed errors, enabling you to teach it to others.

Teach Tajweed rules
By the end of Shaykhi Academy’s online ijazah course, you will be able to teach both theoretical and practical Tajweed rules to other students.

Read the Quran with Tajweed
Since you have obtained ijazah, this means that you have recited the entire Quran by heart without any mistakes in tajweed or reading, so the online license course guarantees you that.

Teach Tajweed texts
Upon completion of this course you will be able to teach the texts of Tajweed which you studied in online ijazah course, such as “Tuhfat al-ATfaL”, “Al-Muqaddimah al-Jazaria” and “Al-manzoma al-Shatibiyyah”.

Teach the 10 Qiraat
Online ijazah course from shaykhi Academy enables you to obtain ijazah in one or more of the 10 Qirat of Quran, preparing you to become a certified tutor of the holy Quran.

Give Ijazah to other students
Once you have completed the online ijazah course, you will have the Ijazah Certificate In Qiraat Quran and Tajweed, which is an official qualification that enables you to give ijazah to other learners.
Acquire an Ijazah Online Now!
Why Learn Tajweed Online With Us?
We offer you a suitable environment that helps you to acquire an Ijazah Certificate in the easiest and most effective way as we provide you with the following advantages:
Recorded sessions
Our sessions are recorded; allowing lifelong access to course content, so that the student can easily review the lessons at any time.
Professional teachers
You will receive the license from teachers who are graduates of the largest Islamic university in the world – Al-Azhar University.
Easy Access
You can easily join this course through any device including PCs, laptops and mobile phones, which allows you to attend your online Ijazah sessions anytime and anywhere
Suitable timetable
The online Ijazah course from Shaykhi provides you with more than one study plan, allowing you to choose the right one for you
Affordable prices
Shaykhi Academy offers the course with varied price plans. So, you can choose the most suitable plan for you no matter how limited your budget is.
Bilingual Quran Tutors
Our tutors have excellent command in Arabic and English languages, which ensures easy communication with students.
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Start Your Journey with Quran Ijazah Online Programs and Learn with Highly Qualified and Friendly Teachers.
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How to apply for Our Online Ijazah Course?
Simply follow these four steps:
Step One: Fill Out The Next Form (New Student Form)
Filling out the info accurately and precisely helps us to suggest the best Tutor to learn Quran!
Step Two: Recieving a Confirmation Message or E-mail
You'll get a Confirmation Message or E-mail within 24 hours after filling our the form.
Step Three: Attend Your Free Trial Classes
In order to help you to take your time before making your subscribing decision, we provide you with up to two Free Trial Classes.
Step Four: Subscribe to The Plan That Suits You!
When you decide to join us, you can choose whatever plan from our affordable plans that suits your kids!
How Does it Cost to Get Ijazah Online with Us?
With Shayhki Academy, you can enroll in our best online Tajweed course at an affordable price when compared to the quality provided which is manifested in Qualified teachers and an effective environment of learning (cost-effective). The Hourly rate is just 8.5 USD with a 10% discount for families, and there are plans for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes.
Meet Our Teachers
All our teachers are highly qualified and experienced so you can join online Ijazah program with them effectively!
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Numbers Speak
Make Sure that you choose the right place if you want to join Online Ijazah Course.
Shots from Online Ijazah Course
These are the shots from our Online Ijazah in Quran Recitation Course which is the first step to learn Mutawatir Qiraat and become a certified Quran tutor.
Reviews of Our Online Ijazah Program
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Students' Experiences
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What Is Ijazah?
Ijazah is a certificate that is granted to the student who was able to read the entire Qur’an by heart with Tajweed and mastery of the narration that he authorized, and this certificate gives the student the right to become a Quran teacher.
In other words, Ijazah can be defined as a process in which the Holy Quran is orally transmitted from one generation to the next, according to the narrations approved and considered by Muslim scholars.
Is it better to get ijazah online or face to face?
Ijazah is traditionally provided through face to face learning, but online learning is an ideal alternative if you are busy or unable to attend offline Quran classes.
Is it important to join an online ijazah course?
The importance of the ijazah is due to the fact that the recitation of the Quran is not considered correct if it is not taken from the mouth of the one who has obtained the ijazah. In order to be able to correct the recitation of others, your reading must be complete first, and it cannot be so by simply listening and reciting.
What is a Quran Recitation Ijazah:
In this type of Ijazah, the student is asked to read the entire Quran or a part of it with tajweed from the Mushaf without mistakes in front of a Certified Sheikh, who will in turn decide whether the student is qualified to teach Quran recitation to others.
What is a Quran Memorization Ijazah:
A Quran memorization Ijazah is a consent provided by a Mujaz Sheikh validating students who completed memorizing the Quran to teach it to other Muslims. And declaring the complete proficiency of this student

Let Yourself Start the Journey with Online Ijazah Classes and Learn with Highly Qualified and Friendly Teachers.
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