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The Best Learn Quran Online Academy – Enroll Now!

learn Quran online academy

Are you looking for a learn Quran online academy? You are in the right place.

Due to the recent popularity of online learning and the facilities it offers that allow you to learn with less time and effort, learning the Quran has also become dependent on this type of learning recently, which is considered the best alternative because of its advantages that help you to overcome the consequences of face-to-face learning.

Therefore, many companies and academies provide you with opportunities to learn Quran online, including Shaykhi Academy. so, let’s know more about Shaykhi academy!

learn Quran online academy

What Is Shaykhi Academy?

Shaykhi academy is a professional academy that gives you and your children the opportunity to learn the Quran and Arabic language online.

It seeks behind its goal and relies on professional methods and tools to reach the maximum benefit for its students as a learn Quran online academy. What is its goal and what are its tools and methods to reach this goal? We will find out!

What Are The Goals of Shaykhi Academy?

The main slogan of Shaykhi Academy is “Your Holy Quran Journey Starts Here” a clear indication that it’s the main guide through which you’ll reach your main destination.

And this destination that you want to reach is what Shaykhi Academy aims to achieve, as it aims to:

Memorizing The Holy Quran

This is the main goal of the academy, and for you as a student, is there a Muslim who does not seek to memorize the Book of God that they believe in?

Qualified Memorize Quran Online Teacher for kids

 قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

“مَثَلُ الذي يَقْرَأُ القُرْآنَ، وهو حافِظٌ له مع السَّفَرَةِ الكِرامِ البَرَرَةِ، ومَثَلُ الذي يَقْرَأُ، وهو يَتَعاهَدُهُ، وهو عليه شَدِيدٌ فَلَهُ أجْرانِ”.

The prophet -Peace Be Upon Him- said

“The likeness of the one who recites the Qur’an while he has memorized it with the honorable and righteous companions, and the likeness of the one who recites, and he is acquainted with him, and he is severely obligated to him.”

Learn The Noble Quran And The Rules of Tajweed

Shaykhi Academy seeks to teach you the rules that help you read the Quran correctly, and this is of great importance, as the correct reading is the main controller in understanding the meanings behind the divine text.

Learn Arabic

And this is with the aim of being able to read the Quran in the language in which God revealed it.

Make Children Love to Memorize And Learn The Quran

Most children have a problem in learning and memorizing the Holy Quran, either because of the difficulty of pronouncing on their tongues or because of the difficulty of meanings in their minds, so if you are seeking to find a learn Quran online academy for your kid, Shaykhi Academy solve this problem by providing educational methods based on entertainment that make him fond of Quran lessons.

Now, you may be wondering what these methods are, so let’s now talk about the tools and methods of our learn Quran online academy, Shaykhi academy.

What Makes Shaykhi Academy Stands Out?

Shaykhi Academy is distinguished by elements that make it a unique academy in the field of teaching the Noble Qur’an, such as:

Qualified Teachers

The most important element and tool in Shaykhi Academy is the teacher, as they’re the rib without which no educational process can be correct.

Shaykhi Academy has a large team of professional teachers in the field of teaching the Quran and its rules, and we will discuss this tool to learn more about the characteristics of these teachers shortly.


LMS (Learning Management System), is a platform or software used to organize and manage online learning.

Shaykhi Academy uses this tool to achieve several tasks, including tracking your development as a student, and it also helps you follow up on your child’s level in case your child is the student because it provides the teacher and the guardian with information about the number of times the student is absent, the level of their progress and grades, and the topics covered during each lesson.

It is also a distinctive tool for determining your level before starting lessons. This is an important step that helps you identify what you have and what you lack, and thus start from the appropriate station on your journey to learn the Noble Quran.

Entertainment Tools

Shaykhi Academy depends on entertainment in the context of learning the Holy Quran, especially with kids, such as playing with the student for a short period during the lesson as a reward for their progress, that’s to increase their attention towards learning the Quran and increase the level of understanding.

So if the learner is your child, you are in the right place. You can make sure that your child will never get bored. On the contrary, they will find the lesson beneficial and enjoyable at the same time.

What Are The Types of Learning That Shaykhi Academy Covers?

Shaykhi Academy offers its online lessons in three main types, synchronous, asynchronous, and blended learning.

Synchronous Learning

It means face-to-face learning, which is used by Shaykhi Academy for the lessons in which you and your teacher are in front of the computer screen at the same time. So it contains more interaction between you and your teacher.

Asynchronous Learning

It is manifested in recorded courses. And this is by the teacher recording the lesson and sending it to you to see and understand then Send them your questions about it if any.

Blended Learning

As for the third type, it is shared between the two types, where you receive the lessons face-to-face with the teacher through the computer screen, and then the lessons are sent to you as well as the asynchronous learning.

Now after you knew about Shaykhi academy, its goals, strategies, and learning types, you undoubtedly asking about the courses it presents as a learn Quran online academy.

So it’s time to speak about Shaykhi academy Quran online courses.

Shaykhi Academy Online Courses

Shaykhi Academy offers three basic courses that cover everything you need and seek to learn in the learning Quran journey.

These 3 courses are:-

Quran Classes

Quran courses aim to help you memorize and read the Noble Quran. These courses are provided by qualified and dedicated teachers in teaching the Quran.

Tajweed Classes

It aims to make you master the rules of Tajweed, which is very important for reading the Quran correctly and understanding its meanings as it was revealed.

Arabic Reading Classes

If you seek to learn Arabic -the language of the Quran-, then, Shaykhi Academy provides you with native Arabic-speaking teachers who will make you master it.

All courses are presented by professional and qualified teachers, and they are all intended for kids and adults.

These courses are presented in ways and methods that suit your age and level, starting from the placement test that the academy sets for you at the beginning to accurately determine your level, to choosing a method that takes into account the individual differences between you and other students such as using the method of gamification in learning or using entertainment and other methods we discuss in detail now…

Learning Strategies At Shaykhi Academy (According to your age and level)

Shaykhi Academy provides you with a number of educational strategies to learn the Noble Qur’an consistent with your age and level, such as:


It means using Tajweed games for the purpose of learning, and this method is considered the most effective, especially if the learner is your child. Learning by playing makes you pay attention to the lesson and increases the possibility of remembering for as long as possible.

For example, in the reading course, there are Arabic letters hidden under numbered templates. The teacher asks you to choose a number and then asks you to read the letter that appeared under the number you chose, and if you read it correctly, you’ll get a prize!


As we mentioned before, entertainment while learning is of great importance in restoring your focus and increasing your memory, so when you are searching for a learn Quran online academy, you must pay attention to this, especially if the learner is your kid. This is one of the most important features of Shaykhi Academy, as it believes that everyone must learn and enjoy.

Dealing with Beginners And Kids

As we said, Shaykhi Academy will make a placement test for you once you apply, and this test help for determining the steps you will start with and thus also determine the method that will be followed in teaching you the Holy Quran…

But if you are looking for a learn Quran online academy for your child, not you, there are specialized ways to teach kids by friendly teachers who will make your child love and stick to their lessons.

So what are the characteristics of these teachers?

The Characteristics And Qualifications of Shaykhi Academy’s Quran Teachers

In your search for a learn Quran online academy, the most prominent thing you should ask about is the characteristics of teachers and the extent of their qualification and professionalism in this field to ensure that you and your kid benefit fully.

Shaykhi Academy is interested in this, as it provides you with a group of the most professional teachers of the Holy Quran to kids and adults.

Highly Qualified Quran Teacher

All the teachers who teach you have higher qualifications in the Islamic branches knowledge from Al-Azhar University. 

They’re specialized in teaching reading, and Tajweed as well.

Friendliness And Flexibility

And these are important characteristics! especially if the student is your child. So, having a friendly teacher who can deal with children and interact with them is one of the most important things that must be in any learn Quran online academy. And is one of the most important qualities that Shaykhi Academy takes into account while choosing its teachers for you!

Good Manners

Shaykhi Academy takes into account the need for its teachers to have good morals, as they will deal with you and your child for teaching you the Book of God, so they must be characterized by the morals of the book they carry.

Flexibility in The Use of Modern Technology

The ability to interact and use modern technology is one of the most advantageous features that benefit you as a student in the teacher because it will make them use all means to deliver information to you.

Therefore, Shaykhi Academy, as a learn Quran online academy, is concerned with the level of its teachers in using technology, especially platforms applications and programs used in learning.

Undoubtedly, learning from teachers with these specifications guarantees you a healthy learning environment that helps you to receive and memorize the Book of God in a very simple way.

For sure, we all seek to find the place that provides us with all the things that make us enjoy and feel comfortable in good learning, and among these things is the availability of many types of teachers.

What Are The Types of Teachers We Can Offer You?

Shaykhi Academy cares about you, so it provides you with everything you searched or might search for according to your circumstances, such as the learner being your child or you being a woman which means that you may search for special types of teachers such as female Quran teachers or kid’s teachers and Arab teachers.

Online Female Quran Teacher

If you are a woman and you are trying to find a learn Quran online academy that will provide you with a female teacher, then you are in the right place!

Shaykhi Academy has professional female Quran teachers so that you can comfortably learn the Quran, interact and ask questions so you can be sure of understanding and comprehension without shame or discomfort.

Online Arabic Quran Teacher

In case you want to learn Arabic, Shaykhi Academy has teachers who are Arabic native speakers, they will help you speak and read the Noble Quran in it and overcome the difficulties you may face such as the difficulty pronouncing some letters.                                                                                            One of the biggest advantages that you get from learning online through Shaykhi Academy is learning from Arab teachers while you are in your country without the need to travel across continents.

Online Quran Teachers for Kids

We are aware of the difficulty of educating children and the sensitivity of the matter, and we know how much anxiety and desire to teach your children the Noble Quran in the best possible way. Therefore, Shaykhi Academy guarantees you access to teachers who have an excellent ability to deal with children and attract their attention and increase their interaction and desire to learn the Quran through innovative entertaining and educational methods and a friendly way of dealing, as they are teachers with academic qualifications that help them understand the psychology of the child and the way to persuade and educate him and take into account the individual differences between each child and another.

To know more about our teachers, Check This Article.

After we talked about the most important element that you need to know anywhere you go to learn, which is the teacher, I can guess now that you are wondering what is the return?

As we mentioned before, our main goal is to help you on this great journey so that you learn the Quran and master its reading, and in order to achieve this, we provide you with all the elements that support this trip for an amount commensurate with your financial capability, whatever it is.

Plans And Fees

When it comes to online Quran classes’ fees, you’ll find Shaykhi Academy has the most affordable Online Quran Learning Fees when compared to the quality of the classes!

There are 5 base plans (A-B-C-D-E) based on the number of classes per week, and therefore the number of classes per month.

These plans you can choose from after you choose the number of minutes in each class as you like.

A 30 Minutes Class

Plan A: you will pay $16.99 per month; this is in exchange for 4 classes over the month, at a rate of one class per week.

Plan B: you will pay $33.99 per month; this is in exchange for 8 classes over the month, at a rate of 2 classes per week.

Plan C “Most Popular Plan”: you will pay $50.99 per month; this is in exchange for 12 classes over the month, at a rate of 3 classes per week.

Plan D: you will pay $67.99 per month; this is in exchange for 16 classes over the month, at a rate of 4 classes per week.

Plan E “Gold Plan”: you will pay $84.99 per month; this is in exchange for 20 Classes over the month, at a rate of 5 classes per week.

A 45 Minutes Class

Plan A: you will pay $25.50 per month; this is in exchange for 4 classes over the month, at a rate of one class per week.

Plan B: you will pay $50.99 per month; this is in exchange for 8 classes over the month, at a rate of 2 classes per week.

Plan C: you will pay $76.50 per month; this is in exchange for 12 classes over the month, at a rate of 3 classes per week.

Plan D: you will pay $101.99 per month; this is in exchange for 16 classes over the month, at a rate of 4 classes per week.

Plan E: you will pay $127.50 per month; this is in exchange for 20 Classes over the month, at a rate of 5 classes per week.

A 60 Minutes Class

Plan A: you will pay $33.99 per month; this is in exchange for 4 classes over the month, at a rate of one class per week.

Plan B: you will pay $67.99 per month; this is in exchange for 8 classes over the month, at a rate of 2 classes per week.

Plan C: you will pay $101.99 per month; this is in exchange for 12 classes over the month, at a rate of 3 classes per week.

Plan D: you will pay $135.99 per month; this is in exchange for 16 classes over the month, at a rate of 4 classes per week. Plan E: you will pay $169.99 per month; this is in exchange for 20 Classes over the month, at a rate of 5 classes per week.

The price of one hour is 8.5 dollars, and the academy provides you with the possibility of getting a 10% discount for families, by using the “Family10” coupon.

There are also special discounts now that you can get through the Shaykhi Academy website, apply now!

If you are wondering how to subscribe monthly, we inform you that your subscription is automatically renewed every month unless you cancel it.

It is worth noting that when you apply for one of our courses, you will have a free trial session to make sure of your decision to take the course, is there anything better than that?!

Why Shaykhi Academy?

Dear reader, if you are still confused about choosing a learn Quran online academy, I will briefly tell you why you should choose Shaykhi Academy?

Qualified Professional Teachers

As we mentioned before, Shaykhi Academy depends on highly qualified teachers in the field of teaching the Holy Quran and what is related to it.

Affordable Prices

Shaykhi Academy has the most affordable online Quran learning fees, so if you want a learn Quran online academy helps you for a fee commensurate with your financial capabilities, even if they are few; Shaykhi Academy is your right choice.

Flexibility in Scheduling

Shaykhi Academy gives you a large number of plans with different dates through which you can choose the number of lessons that suits you in the week and the date of these lessons in accordance with you and your teacher.

Interesting Techniques

Shaykhi Academy relies on very fun and friendly techniques of teaching the Quran so that students can learn and have fun at the same time.

Easy Communication

You can communicate with Shaykhi Academy with ease in the event of a problem or inquiry, and you will be answered and the problem will be resolved quickly so that you do not face any obstacles in your journey to learn the Quran.

Progressively Introduce Content

In order to make it easier for you to remember and absorb it, Shaykhi Academy depends on gradual education and giving information gradually, so that you can get the new information only after making sure that you have mastered what you have obtained.

I’m sure now you’ve made up your mind! So if you are wondering about how to apply and start your journey in learning the Noble Quran with us, I will answer you now!

How to Apply with Shaykhi Academy?

You have 4 simple steps!

Get to Shaykhi Academy

Get to our website and Subscribe Now!

You only need to fill in the form with the necessary data to get the trial session.

Join Your Free Trial Now!

After you fill out the form, you will receive a confirmation message, after which you will schedule the date for the trial class.

If you decide to take our courses after having the trial class, the next step will come.

Choose The Right Plan for You

Now you have to choose one of the five plans we talked about above (A-B-C-D-E).

Join Us

Then your journey will begin, and I promise you will enjoy learning with the most professional learn Quran online academy!


(Q&A of Best learn Quran online academy!)

What guarantees me that Shaykhi academy is the best learn Quran online academy?

How I can get a qualified Egyptian Quran Teacher Online? -Egyptian Quran Teacher Online

To know whether we are the best learn Quran online academy or not, you can try our free trial class to see yourself how professional our teaching team is!

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