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25 Quran Memorization Techniques

Memorize the Holy Quran with the best memorization techniques

There is no doubt that several Quran memorization techniques are used today to ensure the Qur’an remains intact in the hearts of its believers, but what are the best and most useful Quran memorization techniques for this process? If you’re interested to know then you’re in the right place!

Memorize the Holy Quran with the best memorization techniques

What Are The Quran Memorization Techniques?

Here are the Quran memorization techniques that will help you memorize the Quran Inshaallah

1- Memorizing in childhood is like engraving on a stone:

Moving to the second of our Quran memorization techniques, memorizing in childhood is like engraving on a stone, and memorizing in old age is like writing on water. 

There is no doubt that the universe operates under a divine order according to which the young are better at memorizing things than the old.

When a person is born, their memorization is at its highest, but their understanding is nonexistent as memorization is very high while understanding is quite low. As the person grows up, their understanding starts to rise and memorization skills start to decrease.

That’s why we at Shaykhi Academy have dedicated some Quranic memorization courses for children. In those courses, they will get to learn how to recite the Quran, and will memorize the verses after understanding them.

When you memorize the Quran as a child, the Quran is stored in your brain’s memory cells, and as You grow up, the cells in your brain continue to grow and retain the Qur’an.

2- Using external motivation in the memorization of the Quran:

External motivation is “The external factor”, and if it is found, it breaks all these laws and makes memorizing the Qur’an after turning forty very easy. 

You must be wondering, what’s that external factor? Well, it is a combination of desire, will, and high determination. If you find all that in yourself, you’ll gain the strength to achieve all your goals. I know more than eighty names of people who memorized the Qur’an after the ages of forty, fifty, and seventy.

3- Set a time for memorizing the Quran:

Explore the impact of timing on the memorization process. It’s undoubtedly a  challenge to attempt to memorize the Quran while digesting a heavy meal and sipping sodas. 

There is a strong connection between a clear mind, and effective memorization and why setting a specific time is paramount.

4- Dawn is at the heart of a daily rhythm of memorization:

Imam Ibn Jama’ah, one of the great Islam scholars, writes in his master’s thesis (The Art of Teaching according to Ibn Jama’ah): “Dawn is the best time for memorizing, morning for research, the day for authoring and writing, and night for reviewing and reading.”

So dawn is the preferable time for a person to memorize, but do you know why? If we visualize the heart as a graph, we can see how the brain operates throughout the day as it swings between rest, anxiousness, and tiredness in response to problems.

When you wake up at dawn, your brain is ready to memorize and is asking you to go ahead and add more information. The memorization process will turn into a difficult task that needs more time and attention if you begin it towards the end of the day, after everything you have done during the day. 

Read: Is memorizing The Quran mandatory?

5- Find a suitable place for memorizing the Quran:

The fourth of our Quran memorization techniques is to find a suitable place. Your heart is affected by everything you see, hear, or say; if sin enters, it leaves a dark stain in the heart; if a good deed, it fills the heart with light; and so on. 

Therefore, we must memorize in a place where we can protect our ears from gossip, our eyes from what God Almighty has forbidden, and our mouths from chatter. 

Find a quiet and preferably empty room where nothing will distract you from memorizing.

6- Beautify your voice:

While reciting the Quran, you should make your voice lovely and melodious. 

Throughout my follow-up with numerous schools and students, I find that many of them struggle with memorizing. I ask them, how do you memorize? they say: we memorize with a normal reading (as if they were reading a normal book), but this is incorrect brothers and sisters.

Abu Mūsa al-Ash‘ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) after having listened to his beautiful, measured recitation of the Qur’an, said to him: “You have been endowed with one of the melodious voices of the family of Dawūd.” “One of the melodious voices of the family of Dawūd” means the voice of Dawūd himself.

Prophet Dawūd (peace be upon him) had such a beautiful and melodious voice that Allah, the Almighty, says about him: {“O mountains, repeat [Our] praises with him, and the birds [as well].” And We made iron pliable for him} [Sūrah Saba’: 10]. The phrase “the family of so-and-so” may sometimes be used to refer to the person himself. Indeed, none of them was given a voice as melodious as that of Prophet Dawūd (peace be upon him).

7- Adhere to the rules of Tajweed:

Learning the Quran with Tajweed holds paramount importance in the realm of Islamic education. Tajweed is the set of rules that govern the proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quranic verses, ensuring that every letter is articulated with precision and accuracy. 

Moreover, Tajweed plays a pivotal role in preserving the oral tradition of the Quran. As Muslims worldwide recite the Quran in their daily prayers, the adherence to Tajweed ensures a consistent and standardized recitation across diverse linguistic backgrounds.

You can rely on Shaykhi Academy in your journey of learning Tajweed; as our Tajweed courses are detailed and comprehensive, with flexible booking that would fit you, and your schedule.

8- Don’t change your Mushaf (Quran copy):

One of the best methods to memorize the Quran is to stick to a single Mushaf copy and don’t change it. This Mushaf better begin with a verse at the top of the page and end with a verse at the bottom. This is the widely known King Fahd Complex Mushaf.

Studying the Quran in one Mushaf promotes a disciplined and systematic approach to learning, facilitating a more organized and immersive experience with the sacred scripture.

9- Correct your recitation:

This technique is one of the most useful Quran memorization techniques. If you wish to memorize the Quran, You must read the verses aloud to a Sheikh, who is skilled and has memorized the Quran very well (a Hafiz).

Don’t get overwhelmed when you make a mistake; since it’s completely normal for mistakes to be made at the beginning of your journey.

10- Abiding by one strategy for correction:

Mistakes can be corrected in two different ways, and abiding by one method is essential, and enhances the quality of your recitation and memorization. 

Either you correct the entire Qur’an from beginning to end, which prevents the student from starting to memorize; instead, he must read and correct the reading before starting in the second year. 

Or you start only by correcting what you want to memorize, which allows the student to memorize much more quickly.

Correcting your recitation is a tricky step that might seem easy from afar, but is actually very difficult. Therefore, we, at Shaykhi Academy, have launched our Quran recitation courses, which will aid you in improving your recitational skills, and will subsequently correct your mistakes.

11- Know the meanings of the verses:

Linking the verses to their meanings is one of the best methods to memorize the Quran. Linking verses with their meanings is essential in every verse of the surah; because it helps the student memorize faster. Shaykhi Academy is aware of that, and has dedicated a whole course to the Quran Tafsir.

Relate verses to your imagination. For instance when Allah said in his book (They press their fingers into their ears..) You might picture an unbeliever covering his ears with his fingers every time he hears the Qur’an read

However, it is not acceptable to link it with things outside of its place, as in the case of the poet who claimed that when he was a guest in someone’s house who hosted them on the roof and when they got hungry, the house owner brought them water and sent more whenever their hunger increased. The poet then said:

He kept the visitors on his roof and showed them the stars in the sky, their guts have been cut by hunger, and when they plead for relief, they will be relieved with water. As he was joking, this passage shouldn’t be here because it applies only to non-believers. So be careful.

12- Repetition:

Repetition repetition repetition! out of all the other Quran memorization techniques, repetition is the best method to memorize the Quran; as it protects memory from forgetting. And there are 2 types of repeating, heartily (silently) and repeating out loud

I believe repetition should be at least five times, but some Sheikhs advise their students to repeat the lesson fifty times.

According to a belief, any memories that are saved are stored in temporary files in the brain and are downloaded to the permanent files the next day. Our brains are just like computers! Whoever leaves repetition forgets. Therefore, the base of everything is the repetition of the Holy Qur’an. And it’s acceptable to find it tough at first since it gets easier with time.

13- Memorize daily and regularly:

Explore the significance of incorporating daily Quran memorization into one’s routine. Delve into the role of the hippocampus, the memory-controlling structure in the brain, and how regularity enhances the memorization process. Understand why consistent daily practice contributes to the ease and efficiency of memorizing verses.

As you practice memorizing, your memory will become more active, and you can pick the method that works best for you. According to some academics, there is nothing wrong if the memorizer takes a day or two off when they get tired.

Have a professional Sheikh help you in organizing your schedule, and even guide you through it, through the Quran Hifz Courses at Shaykhi Academy.

14- Take your time:

It’s better to memorize slowly and calmly than quickly and hastily. Stare at the verses you want to memorize, and move your eyes from the right to the left very slowly, as if you were recording with a video camera. Concentrate on the verses and lines you plan to memorize.

Some scholars go so far as to cover the other verses with a paper to keep themselves from looking at them, while memorizing the Quran.

15- Focusing while memorizing the Quran:

Maintain unwavering focus on the Quranic text itself to enhance the memorization process. This technique ensures that the mind remains anchored to the essential task at hand, fostering a more successful and accurate memorization experience.

Do not stare at the ceiling, windows, curtains, lights, etc. since you will memorize their shapes instead of verses if you do so. Instead, focus on the verses and then close your eyes and recite.

16- Focus on Al-Mutashabihat (similarities):

One of the best Quran memorization techniques for learning Al-Mutashabehat (similarities) is to read aloud to a Sheikh who is familiar with the similarities and has the experience to teach them.

Examples of the similarities:

(and kill the prophets without right) ( يقتلون النبيين بغير الحق ) and,

(and murdering ˹His˺ prophets unjustly) ( يقتلون الأنبياء بغير حق )

The first verse is in one Surah, and the second is in another. We are confused as to why they were mentioned in different contexts? 

So, the student’s task is to memorize it without being confused, and the Sheikh’s task is to make it easier for him to do so by explaining it to him and providing him with effective Quran memorization techniques.

There are numerous books in this field, including:

  • “Al Burhan Fi Al Mutashabih al Qur’an” by Al-Karmani.
  • “Fath Al-Rahman” by Zakaria Al-Ansari.
  • Some books focus on similarities without much explanation, including:
  • “Mutashabihat al Quran alrahman fi hifz al Quran” by Abu Dhar Al-Qalamuni.
  • “Tanbih alhifaz ‘iilaa mutashabih al’alfaz” byMohamed Abdel Aziz.
  • “Mutashabihat al Quran” by Mustafa Angels.

17- Stick to one Sheikh:

Sticking to one Sheikh in Quran memorization is crucial as it ensures consistency in recitation style and pronunciation. A singular mentor provides a structured and cohesive learning experience, preventing confusion from different teaching methodologies. 

This approach fosters a deep connection and familiarity with the Sheikh’s specific recitation style, aiding in accurate memorization. It also promotes a strong student-teacher bond, allowing for personalized guidance and correction. Ultimately, loyalty to one Sheikh enhances the quality and uniformity of the memorization journey.

18- Look at the pages while memorizing the Quran:

There’s a difference between this technique and the 15th technique, this technique means to focus on the verses from the Quran pages to be imprinted on the pages of the mind. This method calls for intense focus. Let the Qur’an fill your eyes to the brim so that it stays in the heart.

19- Act with what you’ve memorized:

One of the best methods to memorize the Quran is to act with the Quran. This is by combining memorizing with effort, obedience, and giving up on disobedience. 

When al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said the following well-known piece of poetry to support this rule: “I complained to Wakee about my poor memory and he guided me to leave sins .. And he told me that knowledge is light and the light of God does not come to a sinner“

20- Enhancing Quran memorization for lasting retention through strategic revision techniques:

After following the mentioned Quran memorization techniques, now you have to revise! And there are two types of people, those who memorize the entire Qur’an and those who memorize certain parts.

If you are the second type, always revise the parts you’ve memorized so that you don’t let a week go by without revising all of it.

And for those who want to revise the entire Quran, there are a variety of Quran memorization techniques for revising the entire Quran, but let me introduce you to you the best technique, for which you’ll have to divide the Quran into 7 parts as follows:

  • First day: Surat (Al-Baqarah) to Surat (Al-Ma’idah)
  • The second day: (Al Maeda) to (Younis)
  • The third day: from (Younis) to (Al Israa)
  • The fourth day: from (Al Israa) to (Al Shu’ara)
  • The fifth day: from (Al Shu’ara) to (Al-Safat)
  • The sixth day: from (Safat) to (Qaf)
  • And finally the seventh day: from (Qaf) to the end of the Qur’an

21- Understanding leads to better memorization:

One of the best methods to memorize the Quran is by understanding the meanings of the verses, which makes the memorizer memorize faster and better as it makes the verses stuck in your brain for a long time.

Understanding the Quran with the assistance of a knowledgeable Sheikh is invaluable. A Sheikh serves as a spiritual guide, providing context, linguistic nuances, and historical insights to illuminate the Quran’s meanings. 

Personalized guidance ensures a profound comprehension of complex verses, fostering a deeper connection with the divine message. 

Read Also: How Long Does it Take to Memorize the Quran.

22- Extensive listening to audio recitation:

Utilize audio recordings of proficient Quran reciters to listen to the verses repeatedly. Hearing the correct pronunciation and rhythm aids in internalizing the verses and reinforces memorization.

The auditory experience creates a multisensory connection with the text, enhancing the memorizer’s ability to reproduce the verses accurately. The repetition of listening aids in cultivating a sense of familiarity with the Quranic soundscape, facilitating a more profound and lasting memorization.

23- Group memorization sessions:

Join or form a Quran memorization group where participants recite and revise together. Participating in or establishing Quran memorization groups offers a collaborative and supportive environment. 

In these sessions, participants recite and revise together, fostering a sense of collective motivation and encouragement. The group dynamics provide opportunities for constructive feedback, allowing individuals to correct each other’s pronunciation and share effective memorization strategies. 

The communal aspect not only boosts motivation but also creates a sense of accountability, as participants work towards their memorization goals collectively, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective.

24- Nightly review:

Conducting a nightly review of memorized verses before sleep capitalizes on the brain’s natural memory consolidation process during rest. The tranquil moments before bedtime serve as an opportune period to reinforce the memorization of Quranic content. 

The brain organizes and solidifies information during sleep, making the reviewed verses more likely to be retained. Consistent nightly reviews establish a routine that maximizes the benefits of this natural cognitive process, contributing to sustained and improved memorization outcomes.

25- Prayer integration:

Integrating memorized verses into daily prayers elevates the practical application of Quranic knowledge. Reciting the memorized portions during Salah not only reinforces the verses through regular practice but also deepens the spiritual connection with the Quran. 

The act of incorporating memorized content into prayer transforms the recitation from a learning exercise into a meaningful and personal engagement with the divine text. 

This integration ensures that the memorization is not merely an academic pursuit but becomes an integral part of one’s spiritual journey, enriching the prayer experience and fostering a profound connection with the Quranic verses.

Read also: Top Dua For Memorizing the Quran.

5 Methods to Have The Best Memorization Experience:

To have the best memorization experience, there are many methods and certain practices to adopt, and all of them revolve around preparing your spirit to receive the Quran.

1- Prepare yourself mentally:

If you want to memorize the Holy Qur’an, you must prepare yourself at night before going to bed. Before following the previous Quran memorization techniques, set a schedule for yourself by saying, “Tomorrow I want to wake up at three and memorize this and that”. 

Choosing your favorite, elegant, and unique Qur’an that you are at comfort with is also psychological preparation. 

2- Train your brain to memorize:

Our brains need a 6 to 8 minute training process. Read what you’ve memorized in the past and say it aloud again and again. This tip increases your desire to memorize better.

3- Filling one’s heart with sincerity: 

Sincerity in Quran memorization is the foundation that breathes life into the verses, infusing each recitation with devotion. A genuine and humble heart opens the door to a profound connection with the sacred text, turning the memorization journey into a spiritual endeavor.

4- Doing Duaa:

Praying with heartfelt supplications (Duaa) during Quran memorization invokes divine assistance, seeking Allah’s guidance and support in the challenging journey of committing His words to memory.

5- Being patient:

In the pursuit of Quranic memorization, patience becomes a steadfast companion. Endurance through challenges and gradual progress defines the virtuous path of acquiring the divine knowledge encapsulated in the Quran.

In conclusion, mastering the art of Quran memorization involves a holistic approach, blending strategic techniques and spiritual principles. From consistent daily practice to the guidance of a knowledgeable Sheikh, each technique plays a pivotal role in enhancing one’s memorization journey. 

By adopting these techniques, individuals embark on a transformative path, not only memorizing the Quran but forging a profound connection with its timeless wisdom.

Memorize the Quran Now at the Hands of Qualified Tutors:

Shaykhi Academy’s Online Hifz Courses provide convenient around-the-hour classes, with flexible schedules to suit your life. The academy tailors classes to accommodate individual differences, ensuring a personalized learning experience. 

By employing diverse techniques, the academy caters to various learning styles, making the learning process engaging and effective. As a result, students benefit from the best results, achieving success in their memorization and recitation of the Holy Quran.

In this video, which gives you a snippet of what a Shaykhi Academy’s Quran memorization class is like, you can see the future yourself taking actual steps towards memorizing the Quran.

Memorize Quran CTA

These were all the Quran memorization techniques we wanted to share today, we hope that this article was helpful for you.

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