10 Attractive Bedtime Quran Stories For A More Balanced Childhood Upbringing!
Bedtime Quran stories are a key factor in the healthy upbringing of children. The Quran, along with the authentic Sunnah, offers parents a trusted source for fostering a balanced and secure future for their kids. In this article, we explore ten Quranic stories that provide valuable moral lessons for children and young youth. Additionally, the […]
How Long Does It Take To Learn The Quran? Suggested Time-Bound Plans, Influencing Factors, Challenges, And More!
You may ask yourself: how long does it take to learn the Quran? There is no single answer to this question, as the learning journey is influenced by various factors. Learning the Quran is a deeply personal journey that varies in duration depending on numerous factors like age, dedication, and learning environment. While mastering recitation […]
Learning Quran Basics For Beginners: How To Start Learning The Quran
Learning Quran basics for beginners may seem challenging with difficult goals to achieve. However, by seeking Allah’s support, along with effective planning and consistency, learners can progress smoothly from one level to the next, eventually reaching proficiency. In this article, we define the basics of learning the Quran and suggest methods to help in learning […]
Voluntary Fasting Days In Islam: Definition, Types, Reward, And MORE!
Fasting in Islam is one of the greatest worships that can take the Muslim to the highest degrees in Jannah provided they maintain sincerity and observation for manners since the main objective of fasting is to achieve Taqwa (fear of Allah). In this article, we explore the various types of voluntary fasting days in Islam […]