Engaging in Dua at Suhoor serves as a powerful act of devotion and mindfulness, aligning the heart and mind with the purpose of fasting. It offers a moment of reflection, gratitude, and humility, fostering a deep connection with the Divine.
Learning how to recite Dua is not easy, and requires intense practice, and experienced Quran tutors argue that Quran recitation courses; such as Shaykhi Academy’s Quran recitation course, helps in this process, and makes it a lot easier.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Strength:
This Dua asks Allah for strength and sustenance to fast the day ahead.
The Dua: وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِن شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Its transliteration: Wa bi-sawmi ghadin nawaitu min shahri Ramadan.
Its translation: I intend to keep the fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Sustenance and Blessings:
This Dua asks Allah for sustenance, blessings, and strength to fast during Ramadan.
The Dua: اللهم بارك لنا فيما رزقتنا وقنا عذاب النار
Its transliteration: Allahumma barik lana fi ma razaqtana waqina ‘adhaba-n-nar.
Its translation: O Allah, bless us in what You have provided us and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Blessings and Strength:
This Dua is recited before starting the fast to seek Allah’s blessings for the food and drink consumed and to ask for strength for fasting throughout the day.
The Dua: اللهم بارك لي فيما أكلت وشربت، وقويني لصيام هذا اليوم
Its transliteration: Allahumma barik li fi ma akaltu wa sharibtu, wa qawwini li siyama hadha al-yawm.
Its translation: O Allah, bless me in what I have eaten and drunk, and give me strength for fasting this day.
Dua at Suhoor for Dedication of Fasting to Allah:
This Dua is recited before starting the fast to dedicate the act of fasting to Allah, seeking His acceptance of prayers, fasting, standing in prayer, supplications, and all other deeds, and to seek forgiveness for oneself and one’s parents.
The Dua: اللهم إني لك سأصوم وعلى رزقك سأفطر، فتقبل مني صلاتي وصيامي وقيامي ودعائي وسائر أعمالي، واغفر لي ولوالديّ إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم
Its transliteration: Allahumma inni laka saumtu wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu, faqabbil minni salati wa saumiy wa qiyami wa du’ay wa sa’ir a’mali, wa’ghfir li wa liwalidayya innaka anta-l-ghafur-ur-rahim.
Its translation: O Allah, I fast for You and I break my fast with Your provision, so accept from me my prayer, fasting, standing in prayer, supplication, and all my deeds. Forgive me and my parents; indeed, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Dua at Suhoor to Express Gratitude for Food:
This Dua is recited before eating to express gratitude to Allah for providing food without any power or strength from oneself.
The Dua: الحمدُ للهِ الّذي أطعمَنِي هذا الطعامَ، ورزَقَنِيهِ من غيرِ حولٍ مِنِّي ولا قُوَّةٍ
Its transliteration: Alhamdu lillahi alladhi at’amani hadha at-ta’am, wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minni wa la quwwatin.
Its translation: Praise be to Allah who has fed me this food and provided it to me without any strength or power on my part.
Engaging in Dua at Suhoor serves as a powerful act of devotion and mindfulness, aligning the heart and mind with the purpose of fasting. It offers a moment of reflection, gratitude, and humility, fostering a deep connection with the Divine.
Learning how to recite Dua is not easy, and requires intense practice, and experienced Quran tutors argue that Quran recitation courses; such as Shaykhi Academy’s Quran recitation course, helps in this process, and makes it a lot easier.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Strength:
This Dua asks Allah for strength and sustenance to fast the day ahead.
The Dua: وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِن شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Its transliteration: Wa bi-sawmi ghadin nawaitu min shahri Ramadan.
Its translation: I intend to keep the fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Sustenance and Blessings:
This Dua asks Allah for sustenance, blessings, and strength to fast during Ramadan.
The Dua: اللهم بارك لنا فيما رزقتنا وقنا عذاب النار
Its transliteration: Allahumma barik lana fi ma razaqtana waqina ‘adhaba-n-nar.
Its translation: O Allah, bless us in what You have provided us and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire.
Dua at Suhoor to Seek Blessings and Strength:
This Dua is recited before starting the fast to seek Allah’s blessings for the food and drink consumed and to ask for strength for fasting throughout the day.
The Dua: اللهم بارك لي فيما أكلت وشربت، وقويني لصيام هذا اليوم
Its transliteration: Allahumma barik li fi ma akaltu wa sharibtu, wa qawwini li siyama hadha al-yawm.
Its translation: O Allah, bless me in what I have eaten and drunk, and give me strength for fasting this day.
Dua at Suhoor for Dedication of Fasting to Allah:
This Dua is recited before starting the fast to dedicate the act of fasting to Allah, seeking His acceptance of prayers, fasting, standing in prayer, supplications, and all other deeds, and to seek forgiveness for oneself and one’s parents.
The Dua: اللهم إني لك سأصوم وعلى رزقك سأفطر، فتقبل مني صلاتي وصيامي وقيامي ودعائي وسائر أعمالي، واغفر لي ولوالديّ إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم
Its transliteration: Allahumma inni laka saumtu wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu, faqabbil minni salati wa saumiy wa qiyami wa du’ay wa sa’ir a’mali, wa’ghfir li wa liwalidayya innaka anta-l-ghafur-ur-rahim.
Its translation: O Allah, I fast for You and I break my fast with Your provision, so accept from me my prayer, fasting, standing in prayer, supplication, and all my deeds. Forgive me and my parents; indeed, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Dua at Suhoor to Express Gratitude for Food:
This Dua is recited before eating to express gratitude to Allah for providing food without any power or strength from oneself.
The Dua: الحمدُ للهِ الّذي أطعمَنِي هذا الطعامَ، ورزَقَنِيهِ من غيرِ حولٍ مِنِّي ولا قُوَّةٍ
Its transliteration: Alhamdu lillahi alladhi at’amani hadha at-ta’am, wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minni wa la quwwatin.
Its translation: Praise be to Allah who has fed me this food and provided it to me without any strength or power on my part.
Dua at Suhoor for Seeking Guidance and Piety:
This Dua seeks guidance, righteousness, chastity, and sufficiency from Allah.
The Dua: اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الهُدَى وَالتُّقَى، وَالْعَفَافَ وَالْغِنَى
Its transliteration: Allahumma inni as’aluka al-huda wa at-tuqa, wal-‘afafa wal-ghina.
Its translation: O Allah, I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity, and sufficiency.
Dua at Suhoor for Purification from Sins:
This Dua asks Allah for purification from sins and mistakes just as a white cloth is cleansed from dirt.
The Dua: اللَّهُمَّ طَهِّرْنِي بالثَّلْجِ والْبَرَدِ، والْماءِ البارِدِ اللَّهُمَّ طَهِّرْنِي مِنَ الذُّنُوبِ والْخَطايا، كما يُنَقَّى الثَّوْبُ الأبْيَضُ مِنَ الوَسَخِ
Its transliteration: Allahumma tahhirni bi-th-thalji wal-baradi wal-ma’il-barid. Allahumma tahhirni min adh-dhunubi wal-khataya kama yunaqqa ath-thawbu al-abyadu mina al-wasakh.
Its translation: O Allah, purify me with snow, hail, and cold water. O Allah, cleanse me from sins and mistakes just as a white garment is purified from dirt.
Dua at Suhoor for Protection from Hardships and Tribulations:
This Dua seeks refuge in Allah from severe trials, distress, and the gloating of enemies.
The Dua: اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أعوذُ بك مِن جَهْدِ البَلَاءِ، ودَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ، وسُوءِ القَضَاءِ، وشَمَاتَةِ الأعْدَاءِ
Its transliteration: Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min jahdil-bala’, wa darki-sh-shaqa’, wa su’il-qada’, wa shamatati-l-a’da’.
Its translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the hardship of trials, being overtaken by misery, bad fate, and the gloating of enemies.