Tahajjud dua holds immense spiritual significance, allowing believers to present their deepest hopes and concerns to Allah in the stillness of the night. The sincerity of these supplications is amplified during this time, making it a powerful moment for seeking guidance, forgiveness, and divine blessings.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of dua during Tahajjud, encouraging believers to call upon Allah using both prescribed supplications and personal prayers. Whether recited during bowing, prostration, or between movements, these invocations serve as a means of drawing closer to the Almighty and attaining His mercy and favor.
Beyond general worship, Tahajjud dua can be tailored to specific needs, such as seeking success, knowledge, or a righteous spouse. Quranic supplications like “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar” (Our Lord, grant us good in this world and the Hereafter) reflect the believer’s balanced aspirations for both worldly and eternal fulfillment.
To enhance the impact of these prayers, one should begin with praise, express gratitude, and conclude with trust in Allah’s wisdom. The night prayer thus becomes a deeply personal and transformative experience, where one’s heart finds solace in divine remembrance.
Tahajjud Dua
Below are some of the best duas (supplications) to recite during Tahajjud, as derived from authentic Islamic sources. These duas are perfect for seeking forgiveness, guidance, and blessings from Allah.
1. General Tahajjud Dua
This dua is a comprehensive supplication that covers submission to Allah, seeking His protection, and asking for His guidance:
اللهم لك أسْلَمْنا، وبك آمَنَّا، وعليك تَوَكَّلنا، وإليك أَنَبْنَا، وبك خَاصَمْنَا. اللهم إنَّا نعوذُ بِعِزَّتِكَ لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ أن تُضِلَّنا، أنْتَ الحيُّ الذي لا يموتُ، والجِنُّ والإِنْسُ يَمُوتُون.
Allahumma laka aslamna, wa bika amanna, wa ‘alayka tawakkalna, wa ilayka anabna, wa bika khasamna. Allahumma inna na’udhu bi ‘izzatika la ilaha illa anta an tudillana, anta al-hayyu alladhi la yamutu, wal-jinnu wal-insu yamutun.
“O Allah, to You we have submitted, in You we have believed, upon You we have relied, to You we have turned, and with Your help we have disputed. O Allah, we seek refuge in Your might—there is no deity except You—that You do not lead us astray. You are the Ever-Living who does not die, while the jinn and mankind die.”
2. Dua for Seeking Good and Protection from Evil
This dua is a beautiful way to ask Allah for all forms of good and to seek refuge from all forms of evil:
اللهم إنا نَسأَلُكَ من الخيرِ كُلِّهِ عاجِلِهِ وآجِلِهِ ما عَلِمْنَا منه وما لم نَعْلَمْ، ونعوذُ بك من الشر كله عاجِلِهِ وآجِلِهِ ما عَلِمْنَا من وما لم نَعْلَمْ.. ونسألكَ الجَنَّة وما قَرَّبَ إليها مِنْ قولٍ أو عمل، ونعوذ بك من النارِ وما قَرَّب إليها مِنْ قولٍ أو عمل.
Allahumma inna nas’aluka min al-khayri kullihi ‘ajilihi wa ajilihi ma ‘alimna minhu wa ma lam na’lam, wa na’udhu bika min ash-sharri kullihi ‘ajilihi wa ajilihi ma ‘alimna minhu wa ma lam na’lam. Wa nas’aluka al-jannata wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw ‘amal, wa na’udhu bika min an-nari wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw ‘amal.
“O Allah, we ask You for all that is good, in this world and the next, what we know of it and what we do not know. We seek refuge in You from all that is evil, in this world and the next, what we know of it and what we do not know. We ask You for Paradise and for that which brings one closer to it, in word and deed. And we seek refuge in You from Hellfire and from that which brings one closer to it, in word and deed.”
3. Dua for Forgiveness, Well-Being, and Protection
This dua is a powerful supplication for seeking forgiveness, well-being, and protection from hardships:
اللهم إنا نسألك من خيرِ ما سألكَ عَبْدُكَ ونَبِيُّكَ، ونعوذُ بك من شر ما استعاذك منه عبدُكَ ونبيكُ، ونسألكَ أن تجعلَ كُلَّ قضاءٍ قَضَيْتَهُ لنا خيرًا.. اللهم إنا نسألكَ العَفْوَ والعافيةَ والمُعَافاةَ في الدنيا والآخرةِ، يا ذا الجَلالِ والإِكْرامِ، يا حيُّ يا قيوم، اللهم إنا نعوذُ بك من جَهْدِ البَلاءِ، ودَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ، وسُوءِ القَضَاءِ، وشَمَاتَةِ الأعْدَاءِ.
Allahumma inna nas’aluka min khayri ma sa’alaka ‘abduka wa nabiyyuka, wa na’udhu bika min sharri ma ista’adhaka minhu ‘abduka wa nabiyyuka. Wa nas’aluka an taj’ala kulla qada’in qadaytahu lana khayran. Allahumma inna nas’aluka al-‘afwa wal-‘afiyata wal-mu’afata fid-dunya wal-akhirah, ya dhal-jalali wal-ikram, ya hayyu ya qayyum. Allahumma inna na’udhu bika min jahdi al-bala’, wa daraki ash-shaqa’, wa su’i al-qada’, wa shamatati al-a’da’.
“O Allah, we ask You for the good that Your servant and Prophet has asked of You, and we seek refuge in You from the evil from which Your servant and Prophet sought refuge. We ask You to make every decree You have ordained for us good. O Allah, we ask You for forgiveness, well-being, and protection in this world and the Hereafter. O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O Ever-Living, O Self-Sustaining. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the hardship of trials, the depths of misery, the evil of decrees, and the gloating of enemies.”
4. Dua for Help, Guidance, and Strength
This dua is a heartfelt plea for Allah’s assistance, guidance, and victory over challenges:
رَبّ أعني ولا تعن عَليَّ، وَانْصُرْنِي وَلا تَنْصُرْ عَلَيَّ، وَامْكُرْ لي وَلا تَمْكُرْ علي، واهدني ويسر الهدي لي، وَانْصُرْنِي على مَنْ بَغَى عَليَّ، رَبّ اجْعَلْنِي لَكَ شاكِرًا، لَكَ ذَاكِرًا، لَكَ رَاهِبًا، لَكَ مِطْوَاعًا، إليك مخبتا أوْ مُنيبًا، تَقَبَّلْ تَوْبَتِي، وَاغْسِلْ حَوْبَتي، وَأجِبْ دَعْوَتي، وَثَبِّتْ حُجَّتِي، وَاهْدِ قَلْبِي، وَسَدّدْ لِساني، وَاسْلُلْ سَخِيمَةَ قَلْبِي.
Rabbi a’inni wa la ta’in ‘alayya, wansurni wa la tansur ‘alayya, wamkur li wa la tamkur ‘alayya, wahdini wa yassir al-huda li, wansurni ‘ala man bagha ‘alayya. Rabbi ij’alni laka shakiran, laka dhakiran, laka rahiban, laka mitwa’an, ilayka mukhbitan aw muniban. Taqabbal tawbati, waghsil hawbati, wa ajib da’wati, wa thabbit hujjati, wahdi qalbi, wa saddid lisani, waslul sakhimata qalbi.
“My Lord, help me and do not help anyone against me. Grant me victory and do not grant victory to anyone over me. Plan for me and do not plan against me. Guide me and make guidance easy for me. Grant me victory over those who wrong me. My Lord, make me grateful to You, remembering You, fearing You, obedient to You, humble before You, and turning to You in repentance. Accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer my supplication, strengthen my argument, guide my heart, make my tongue firm, and remove the malice from my heart.”
Tahajjud Prayer Dua from the Sunnah
Central to Tahajjud prayer is the act of dua, or supplication. Muslims use this intimate time to converse with Allah, seeking guidance, forgiveness, and blessings. The silence of the night amplifies the sincerity of these supplications, fostering a profound connection between the worshipper and the Divine.
Recognizing the profound significance of dua during Tahajjud, let us explore some of the prophetic supplications and invocations recommended to enrich this spiritual practice.
1. Remembrances of Bowing (Ruku’)
As believers bow before their Lord in humility and submission, they glorify Allah with profound reverence. Prophetic traditions encourage the recitation of phrases such as “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Great) or “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem wa bihamdih” (Glory be to my Lord, the Great, and praise be to Him).
Additionally, heartfelt expressions of submission and trust in Allah’s sovereignty are recommended, such as “O Allah, it is for You that I bowed, it is in You that I believed, and it is to You that I submitted. Humbled to You are my hearing, my eyesight, my mind, my bones, and my tendons.” [Sahih]
2. Remembrances After Rising from Bowing (Rising from Ruku’)
Upon rising from bowing, believers express gratitude and praise to Allah, acknowledging His infinite mercy and blessings. Prophetic traditions suggest reciting phrases like “Rabbana wa lakal hamd” (Our Lord, praise be to You) or “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High).
And you may add: “O Allah, our Lord, praise is due to You, (praise) that fills the heavens and the earth, that fills what exists between them, and that fills anything You desire afterward. All praise and glory belong to You. No one can withhold what You have given and no one can give what You have withheld. And the good fortune of a person will not avail him before You.” [Sahih]
3. Remembrances of Prostration (Sujood)
Prostration is a moment of profound closeness to Allah, where believers humble themselves before their Creator. Prophetic teachings emphasize the importance of frequent supplication during prostration, as it is a time when prayers are readily accepted.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The nearest a slave is to his Lord is when he is prostrating, so increase (your) supplications (while in this state).” [Sahih]
Believers may recite phrases like “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) or “Rabbighfir li” (O Lord, forgive me), expressing their devotion and seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
The prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would add:
“O Allah, it is to You that I prostrated myself, it is in You that I affirmed my faith, and it is to You that I submitted. My face has prostrated to the One who created it and shaped it and split open its faculties of hearing and seeing. Blessed is Allah, the best of Creators.” [Sahih]
4. Remembrances for Sitting Between Two Prostrations
In the brief moment between two prostrations, believers seize the opportunity to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. Prophetic traditions recommend reciting phrases like “Rabbighfir li” (O Lord, forgive me) or “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min ‘adhabika” (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from Your punishment), expressing repentance and reliance on Allah’s infinite compassion.
Tahajjud Dua for Success
For those striving for success in worldly endeavors or seeking fulfillment in personal aspirations, Tahajjud prayer serves as a potent means of seeking Allah’s assistance. Through earnest supplication and devotion in the stillness of the night, believers entrust their aspirations and dreams to the mercy and guidance of the Most Merciful. Here is Quranic verses that you can use as Tahajjud Duas for Success:
1. “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar.”
“Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” (Al-Baqara 2:201)
2. “Rabbana afrigh ‘alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna ‘alal-qawmil-kafirin.”
“Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” (Al-Baqara 2:250)
3. “Rabbi zidni ‘ilma.”
“My Lord, increase me in knowledge.” (Ta-ha 20:114)
Tahajjud Dua for Marriage
Marriage is a sacred bond in Islam, and for those seeking righteous spouses or desiring to strengthen marital harmony, Tahajjud prayer holds profound significance. By supplicating to Allah in the depths of the night, individuals seek divine facilitation in finding compatible partners and nurturing loving, fulfilling relationships.
1.”Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata ‘ayunin waj’alna lil-muttaqina imama.”
“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” (Al-Furqan 25:74)
2. “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer.”
“My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.” (Al-Qasas 28:24)
3. “Rabbi habli mina assaliheen.”
“My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous.” (Al-Saffat 37:100)
4. “Rabbi la tadharni fardan wa anta khayrul-warithin.”
“My Lord, do not leave me alone [with no heir], while You are the best of inheritors.” (Al-Anbiya 21:89)
Tips for crafting your Tahajjud dua:
- Begin with Praise: Start your dua by praising Allah for His countless blessings.
- Express Gratitude: Thank Allah for the good things in your life.
- Confess Your Shortcomings: Seek forgiveness for your sins and mistakes.
- Make Your Request: Clearly and sincerely express your specific need.
- End with Hope and Supplication: Conclude your dua with hope and a request for Allah’s guidance and fulfillment.
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Tahajjud dua is a powerful, heartfelt supplication made in the tranquility of the night, a time when prayers are most sincerely expressed and readily accepted. This sacred act allows believers to seek Allah’s guidance, mercy, and blessings for success, knowledge, or righteous companionship.
Rooted in prophetic teachings, these duas begin with praise, followed by gratitude and sincere requests, reflecting deep faith and trust in the Divine. Whether asking for worldly ease or eternal rewards, Tahajjud supplication strengthens one’s bond with Allah, turning the night into a moment of spiritual elevation and personal transformation.