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Discover Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes!

Discover Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes Now! - Shaykhi Academy

A lot of students are wondering about Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes, so, we will guide you to choose the best Skype Quran classes!

Discover Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes Now! - Shaykhi Academy

1- Are online Classes beneficial for learning Quran?

Are online Classes beneficial for learning Quran - Learn Quran Online Skype - Shaykhi Academy

Online classes will be so beneficial for learning Quran especially when you don’t find the qualified teacher in your country or local city. However, not each online class is suitable for learning Quran, as there are some conditions must be fulfilled, so that learning Quran Online resembles the original case of learning Quran.

1.1- What is the original case of learning Quran?

The original case of learning Quran reading is learning by Al-Mushafahah, which means that a teacher or Shaykh teaches you face to face, and not just learning through Quran Reading books, even though it’s a helping factor. For more details about this point, kindly, read this Article Learn How to Read Quran in Arabic – Complete Guide!

1.2- Is this original case can be achieved through Online classes? (through Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Classes)

The question that we should ask now is whether this original case of Mushafahah might be applied to online classes or not. Actually, the answer is yes if the next conditions are applied (after confirming that the teacher is qualified and experienced):

A- The teacher can see the student well through the webcam in the online class through whether zoom, skype, Microsoft team, or Google Hangout. So, the key here is that the teacher and the student could see each other as in the reality or in the face-to-face Quran class.

B- The teacher corrects the mistakes to the student as in the face-to-face class, as some teachers don’t have the skill of correcting the mistakes in the online classes, even though they have it in the face-to-face class.

C- Effective communication between the student and the teacher is important, which means that the student can ask about whatever they want from their teachers and vice versa, while receiving answers to be in the same way of clarity.

2- What are the features of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes?

What are the features of the best classes to Learn Quran Online - Learn Quran Online Skype - Shaykhi Academy

2.1- Qualified Teachers (The first pillar of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

The efficient online Quran class must be held by a qualified teacher. We can judge that this teacher is qualified when some conditions are fulfilled. some of these conditions are general conditions while others are specific conditions. While the former means that the conditions must be fulfilled whatever the learner is, the latter is considered after knowing the learner, their personality, and customs. Besides these two points, the teachers must be qualified online teachers! 🙂

2.1.1- What are the general conditions must be fulifilled of the online qulaified teachers? (very important when you choose Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

A) Knowledge.

Whether the Quran teacher will teach online or offline, they must have the knowledge that will qualify them to be in this position of teaching the book of Allah. This knowledge is not be ascribed to the teachers by themselves, but they must be praised by other authentic and qualified Quran teachers or Shaykhs.

B) Skills of explaining and presenting the info in an easy and attractive way at the same time.

This skill is very very important as some teachers have the knowledge but they can’t transfer this knowledge to the others. Thus having the knowledge is not sufficient, but transferring is an important skill to learn if the person doesn’t have it.

C) Applying the knowledge.

The teacher will not become qualified if they didn’t apply their knowledge and turn it into reality. This is because the ultimate goal behind learning is applying, which leads to get the satisfaction of Allah and then entering the paradise in the Hereafter. Thus, if the one who has knowledge doesn’t do according to this knowledge, it will become a shame for them when they call people to this knowledge. Allah, Glory be to him, says:

 أَتَأْمُرُونَ النَّاسَ بِالْبِرِّ وَتَنْسَوْنَ أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ تَتْلُونَ الْكِتَابَ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ ﴿

— Surat Al-Baqara, verse 44.

which means Do you command people to virtuous conduct, and forget yourselves, while you read the Scripture? Do you not understand?

2.1.2- What are the specific conditions must be fulifilled of the qulaified teachers? (to held Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

We mean here by specific conditions the conditions that should be considered in some learners, not all of them. In other words, when they are fulfilled, they make the process of learning for those learners better. For example: when the following exist:

A) Sharing the same age.

When the teachers and the students share the same age, their personal relationship normally becomes closer and thus better.

B) Sharing the same interests.

When the teacher and the student share the same interest, this makes their relationship is not confined to a relationship between a student and their teachers, but it’s become beyond that. In some cases, it will be better for the student to have common aspects between them and their teachers, as it makes them feel their teachers are more than teachers, and therefore, they love their teachers more than the normal, because they can speak about these interests in free time or even in the class after ending what is supposed to finish in their class.

C) Sharing the same customs.

Normally, the people understand their neighbors that live with them in the same locality in a clear way, as while you might see others misinterprets their behaviors, this can’t be happened from their neighbors. This is because when people live in the same locality and share the same customs, all of them act according to these customs naturally, which makes them understand each other, and therefore makes the relationships better. The same goes for the relationship between the students and their teachers, as this makes them understand each other better and accept the behaviors of each other.

The specific conditions that are said can be considered as the optimal case or relationship that can be found between teachers and their students. However, this doesn’t mean that if one of these specific conditions is missed, the process of teaching and learning will stop, but the comparison is just between the good condition and the best condition.

2.1.3- What are the conditions must be fulifilled on the qulaified Quran teachers when they teach online? (All of them are required for Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

A) Passion about teaching.

It’s known that all teachers must have passion about teaching their subjects, the online teachers are in great need of this feature or quality. This is because of the nature of online teaching, as it will become somehow boring for the teachers if they don’t have a passion towards teaching their subjects. The same goes for Online Quran teachers, as they have to love teaching Quran, and this makes the teaching Quran Online more engaging.

B) Flexibility to get feedback.

Nowadays, learners feel that they have to be a part of the educational process, whether Adult learners or millennials. The reason behind that for Adults is because they have the experience to bring to the table, while the reason for millennials is that they access the information from the internet since they were kids. Thus, as a qualified online Quran tutor, try to feel the learners that you guide them more than teaching them, engage them into the process of learning, accept their participation, and listen to them well.

C) Time managament.

The qualified online Quran tutor has to be a good time manager, as naturally the time of online class is limited than face-to-face Quran class. If the online Quran tutor has many subjects to teach, such as Quran memorization and Tajweed Rules, so, he has to divide the time of the online class to study these two subjects. Also, the online teachers must offer time for entertainment and fun activities, esp. for kids and children.

D) Building effective classroom community.

If the qualified online Quran teacher is teaching more than one student at the same level, it’s a good idea to build a community for them using one of the LMS softwares that help in engaging and participating as a part of this community, such as Google Classroom.

E) Trained in teaching online.

A lot of teaching online courses are held these days to give the opportunity to new teachers who want to start in this field. Qualified online Quran teachers must consider these kinds of training first!

F) Up to date with new technologies.

Every day, we find new technologies that help online Quran teachers and facilitate their learning, whether synchronous or asynchronous learning. Then if the online qualified Quran teacher aims at making Online Quran classes more engaging and attractive for Quran students, they must be up to date.

G) See values In online education.

Some online Quran teachers don’t believe in Online Quran classes or learning Quran Online. So, if the teacher believes that online classes are effective and have value, and they benefited the students, the student will get convinced with online Quran classes when they see the value they get!

H) Using attractive ways of presenting Quran material and peices of information.

One of the most important points that makes online teaching very interesting is how the info is presented in the class. If the online Quran teacher uses presentation software such as PowerPoint or presents the info as an infographic, this makes the experience of learning Quran Online better for the learners.

H) Welcoming Online Quran teachers.

If the Online Quran student knows from the first impression that their Online Quran teacher is welcoming, this means that this teacher is a qualified online Quran teacher! For sure, the matter is not confined to just the first impression, however, the teacher must show for his student each class, from its beginning until the end, that they are welcoming, even if the teachers are not in the best mood this class, because if the student doesn’t feel that they are welcomed, they will get bored and will not be able to learn, esp. children and teenagers!

To conclude, these two points will promote the learner with a suitable environment to learn Quran Online while enjoying at the same time with this process of learning, esp. the kids.

2.2- Good LMS (The Second pillar of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes demands a good LMS that helps the student to learn in attractive ways and engages them more in the process of learning.

3- What are Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes? (The features of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

What are the best classes to Learn Quran Online - Learn Quran Online Skype - Shaykhi Academy

Shaykhi Academy classes are considered one of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes for the next reasons:

3.1- Easy to follow and understand in the class.

We provide in our classes the easiest ways of presenting the info that make the student understand the info in an easy way.

3.2- Systematic cirricula.

We are teaching our students in gradual approach, as for Quran Reading. For example, we have three levels of Arabic Reading, and then three levels of Tajweed Rules, so that the student can learn in an easy and gradual approach. To know more about our books, read this article Learn to read Quran Book – Discover the Best Book!

4- What our students say about our online Quran Classes? (Students experiences of Our Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

Student Testimonials Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes Shaykhi Academy

Razia Begum – Australia


(Students experiences of Our Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

Yousef SedagatNetherlands


Reham AliUSA


(Students experiences of Our Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

Fatimah Ansari Australia


(Students experiences of Our Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

Zamreen Raza UK


5- How to join to our classes and start learning Quran Online? (we promise that you will find it Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes 🙂 )

How to join Shaykhi Academy - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

5.1- Book a free trial class.

If you decided to start the journey of learning Quran Online for yourself, your kids, your wife, or any of your family, we offer you a free trial class now. Book one!

5.2- Recieving a confirmation.

You will receive a confirmation on your WhatsApp number of the acceptance of your form and the time of the trial class. We will make you know your teacher before meeting it the first time. You will just need to download & Install Zoom or Skype app whether on your phone or your PC (Desktop).

5.3- Concluding your free Trial class.

Starting your trial with your chosen qualified Quran time at its time, and starting actually your journey with Quran 🙂

5.4- Joining to one of our plans if you like us 🙂

If you like our trial class, you can subscribe directly to one of our plans and be a member of our family (Shaykhi Academy Family) 🙂 However, if you don’t like our trial class, we can provide you with another trial whether with the same teacher or another one. We are so glad to become one of our family soon.

If you decided to join us, kindly, download our app.


(Q&A of Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes)

  1. Can you learn Quran online?

    Is there an online Quran academy free? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    You can learn Quran Online or learn your kids and make them have fun at the same time. Our Slogan is “Learn and Enjoy!”. Join us Now!

  2. How can I learn Quran at home?

    How can I learn Quran at home? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    You can learn Quran and Arabic Online from your home wherever you are located in. Our Online Quran classes will help you to achieve your goals from your home. Get your Free Trial Class Now!

  3. Is skype Quran classes Pakistan the best Option?

    Is skype Quran classes Pakistan the best Option? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    Online Quran tutoring that delivers easily to the learners is what determines whether this class is the best or not, not a specific city. As for our Online Quran Academy, we have native Egyptian Arabic Speakers from Egypt who will help you to learn Quran from scratch until you master reading it! Get your Free trial Class now!

  4. How can adults learn Quran?

    How can adults learn Quran? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    There are a lot of courses the Academies offer Quran courses, such as foundations courses, Reading Madani online Quran, Tajweed Courses. We offer these courses and more for adults and kids. Get your Free trial Class now!

  5. What are online Quran Academy fees?

    What are online Quran Academy fees? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    The fees of learning Quran online are determined according to different criteria, such as the qualifications of the teachers, and LMS used. Although we are always hiring the best qualified Quran teachers and using Good LMS, our plans are affordable. Start your first Free class with us.

  6. What are the best zoom and Skype Quran classes?

    What are the best zoom and Skype Quran classes - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    If you joined our classes, you will love our teachers, their techniques in teaching and delivering the info and you will see by yourself how we have Learn Quran Online Skype, and Zoom Best Classes! Get a free trial class Now! 🙂

  7. Is online Quran teaching on Skype and Zoom effective?

    Is online Quran teaching on Skype and Zoom effective? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes have qualified teachers and good LMSs. These two points make Online Quran Classes very effective. Join us Now!

  8. Is there an online Quran academy free?

    Is there an online Quran academy free? - Learn Quran Online Skype and Zoom Best Classes - Shaykhi Academy

    Actually, online Quran academy UK or in USA normally give you free trial classes to decide whether you like their teachers and process of learning or not. After that, if you decided to join they send you the plans and fees. However, with us, you still can learn Quran Online for Free. Watch Our Free Course! 🙂

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