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Top 14 Quran Stories for Kids And 8 Free Resources

Quran Stories for Kids And 8 Free

Quran stories for kids is a matter of the essence for all parents who desire to teach their kids the Holy Quran as they offer worthwhile lessons and implant moral values into the Child’s cognitive structure at a young age. Quran stories are a part of the Quran course for kids that parents should always think about. They not only render spiritual instructions for our kids but also provide them with a deep understanding of the Islamic history and its righteousness.

The enthralling aspects of these Quranic stories offer far-reaching motivations that encourage children to capture values such as faith, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, honor, and altruism….etc. Undoubtedly, this shapes the characters of our loved kids!

This article will explore some of the stories cited in the Holy Quran. The article will also explain why it is important to present this type of knowledge for our kids, and how to present these narratives in a way that helps the kids to stick to the holy Quran and follow its instructions. 

The article will present the most popular stories mentioned in the Quran that are convenient for our precious kids with a presentation of their ethical values. It will shed light on the Interactive Quran Learning with the best Quran Learning Games which are considered effective tools for facilitating the learning process.

Top Quran Stories for Kids

Top Quran Stories for Kids contain endearing ways and practices to lift righteous spirits. They render thoroughgoing lessons and ethical institutions that raise the Islamic moral standards.

They instill faith, wisdom, justice, purity, humility, and moral values in the kids’ characters. They also present good examples for the children to follow up.

 But not all the Quranic Stories are pertinent for kids. Why? It is because the age of kids should be considered. The psyches of the kids are not capable of assimilating all kinds of knowledge.

Educationalists state that the best stories for kids are the imaginative ones. For example, kids will not understand the story of the woman who argued with the prophet Muhammad for getting divorced because they know nothing about divorce laws. Quranic Stories forge the mind of our cherished kids! Here are some of them:

1. The Story of Adam’s Two Sons:

The Story of Adam’s Two Sons is the story of the first murder on the earth. It narrates the tale of Cain who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. They offered two offerings to Allah, it was accepted from one of them, and not accepted from the other. So Cain killed his brother out of jealousy, then he felt regret, he didn’t know what to do. Allah sent a raven to dig in the ground to show him how to bury his brother’s dead body.

Allah said in the Holy Quran, 

“Then God sent a raven digging the ground, to show him how to cover his brother’s corpse. He said, “Woe to me! I was unable to be like this raven, and bury my brother’s corpse.” Surah Al-Ma”idah, verse 31.

“فَبَعَثَ اللَّهُ غُرَابًا يَبْحَثُ فِي الْأَرْضِ لِيُرِيَهُ كَيْفَ يُوَارِي سَوْءَةَ أَخِيهِ ۚ قَالَ يَا وَيْلَتَا أَعَجَزْتُ أَنْ أَكُونَ مِثْلَ هَٰذَا الْغُرَابِ فَأُوَارِيَ سَوْءَةَ أَخِي ۖ فَأَصْبَحَ مِنَ النَّادِمِينَ”

Adam’s Two Sons Story Ethical Values:

  • It shows the danger of jealousy and the importance of love.
  • It shows the importance of obedience to Allah’s commands.
  • It shows that humans can learn from creatures less than them just as birds.

2. The Story of the Owners of the Garden:

The Story of the Owners of the Garden is about five brothers who intended at night that no poor person would take anything from the harvested crops of their garden. In the morning the garden was as if it was picked. When they saw it, they said, We were wrong. We are now deprived.”

The story was mentioned in the Quran in this verse,

 “We tested them, as We tested the owners of the garden, when they vowed to harvest it in the morning.” Surah al-Qalam 17.

“إِنَّا بَلَوْنَاهُمْ كَمَا بَلَوْنَا أَصْحَابَ الْجَنَّةِ إِذْ أَقْسَمُوا لَيَصْرِمُنَّهَا مُصْبِحِينَ”

The Story of the Owners of the Garden Ethical Values 

  • The story shows the danger of greed in a Muslim’s life.
  • Whenever money and power exist, greed and envy are always nearby.
  • It shows the importance of continuing helping the poor people.

3. The Story of Musa and the Two Women:

The Story of Musa and the two women talks about the prophet Musa who arrived at Median City, he found a crowd of people drawing water, and noticed two women waiting on the side. 

Although he was homeless, hungry, and fearful, he drew them water without asking for money. Allah rewarded him by making the daughters” father ask him to marry one of his daughters. So he was no longer fearful or homeless.

Allah said, “And he noticed two women waiting on the side. He said, “What is the matter with you?” They said, “We cannot draw water until the shepherds depart.” Surah Al-Qasas.23

“وَوَجَدَ مِنْ دُونِهِمُ امْرَأَتَيْنِ تَذُودَانِ ۖ قَالَ مَا خَطْبُكُمَا ۖ قَالَتَا لَا نَسْقِي حَتَّىٰ يُصْدِرَ الرِّعَاءُ ۖ وَأَبُونَا شَيْخٌ كَبِيرٌ” 

The Story of Musa and the Two Women Ethical Values:

  • It teaches to do righteous deeds without expecting reward from people. 
  • It teaches faithfulness, dedication, and trust in Allah.

4. The Story of the Prophet Saleh and the She-Camel

The story is about an extraordinary female camel sent by Allah to the folk of Thamud after they had asked the Messenger Saleh to bring them a miracle to prove his prophethood. The majority arrogant people slaughtered the female camel and defied the instructions of Allah,

Allah said, “This she-camel of God is a sign for you. So leave her to graze on God’s earth, and do her no harm, lest a painful penalty seizes you” Surah Al-A’raf, verse 73.

“هَٰذِهِ نَاقَةُ اللَّهِ لَكُمْ آيَةً ۖ فَذَرُوهَا تَأْكُلْ فِي أَرْضِ اللَّهِ ۖ وَلَا تَمَسُّوهَا بِسُوءٍ فَيَأْخُذَكُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ” 

The Story of the Prophet Saleh and the She-Camel Ethical Values:

  • It teaches avoiding arrogance.
  • It shows the danger of following the majority just because they are the majority.

5. The Story of Prophet Sulaiman and the Ant

Prophet Sulaiman was a great king with a great army. His army included many kinds of soldiers; men, jinn, animals, and birds.

One day, he was marching his army towards a valley that ants dwell in. When they got nearby, one of the ants called upon her brothers and sisters. She asked them to enter their nests; lest Prophet Sulaiman and his soldiers crush them without noticing!

Prophet Sulaiman heard it and understood her language. He smiled at what she had said and ordered his soldiers to keep away from the ants’ nests. Then, he asked Allah to inspire him to always be thankful for His favors which Allah had blessed him and his parents with.

Allah Said, “Until, when they came upon the Valley of Ants, an ant said, “O ants! Go into your nests, lest Solomon and his troops crush you without noticing.” Surah An-Naml, verse 18.

“قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ”

The Story of Prophet Sulaiman and the Ant Ethical Values: 

  • Allah (SWT) can grant someone a miraculous skill to use it in righteous deeds.
  • We should be tender-hearted to all creatures regardless of their size.
  • We should always thank Allah for his blessings.
  • The story shows the significance of spreading justice and humility.

6. The Story of Yunus and the Whale:

Yunus was sent to the people of Nineveh who disobeyed him after he had warned them with the punishment of Allah. He left the place of his mission without taking permission from Allah.

He got on a ship. There was a storm, so the people in charge decided to throw one of the passengers in the sea to reduce the ship’s cargo. It was Yunus. He was swallowed by a whale and held in its belly. Yunus supplicated too much. Allah forgave him and ordered the whale to set him free.

Yunus’ words in the whale belly are known as the top of repentance Dhikr.

Allah said, “And Jonah, when he stormed out in fury, thinking We had no power over him. But then He cried out in the darkness, “There is no god but You! Glory to You! I was one of the wrongdoers” Surah al-Anbiya.87.

“وَذَا النُّونِ إِذْ ذَهَبَ مُغَاضِبًا فَظَنَّ أَنْ لَنْ نَقْدِرَ عَلَيْهِ فَنَادَىٰ فِي الظُّلُمَاتِ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ”

The Story of Yunus and the Whale Ethical Values:

  • It shows that a muslim should never despair of Allah’s mercy.
  • It shows that Allah responds to those who declare repentance and keep mentioning Him. 

7. The Story of the People of the Elephant:

Abreha was an Ethiopian King who ruled Aksum, Himyarite, and Yemen kingdoms. He also ruled much of the Arabian Peninsula in the sixth century. He was a villainous king.

One day, he decided to destroy the Kaaba, the sacred mosque of Allah in Mecca. He commanded a strong army which included huge elephants. Allah sent birds throwing them with stones of fire. This event was known as Year of the Elephant. It was the year in which our prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was born. 

Allah said, “Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with the People of the Elephant? Did He not make their plan go wrong?” He sent swarms of birds. Throwing at them rocks of baked clay. Leaving them like chewed-up leaves” Surah al-fil, verses 1:5.

“أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ. أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيل.”

 The Story of the People of the Elephant Ethical Values:

  • It shows the concept of Allah’s divine assistance.
  • No power is greater than Allah’s power.

8. The Story of Prophet Noah (Nuh) and the Ark

Try to imagine a period in which the earth was flooded with sin and man and woman were living in total depravity. In this ugly world, it was Prophet Noah (Nuh) who was selected by Him (Allah) to be his representative on earth. The sinful state of Noah’s people brought a sort of sadness into his heart because they were worshipping idols and participating in sexual perversion. However, they did not listen to him and all they did was scorn at him pleading with them.

Today, I command you to build an Ark of huge proportions – this was a hard word to many. Just picture Noah, and a few faithful ones, toiling by day and by night – building an enormous boat right in the midst of an extended area of solid ground! The taunting of his people intensified and continued to increase, but Noah never strayed in his belief in Allah. He understood that a deluge was to come – a deluge that would purge the terrestrial world from its impurities.

When the ark was almost ready, Allah told Noah to embark for it a pair of each species of animals and his family and whoever of the believers. The sun turned black and the showers started. During forty days and forty nights, the waters covered the earth, and the ark stood on the earth as the only place of living. 

Chambers started to open and the ark returned to rest on Mount Judi. They alighted from the boat with much thanks to Allah for sparing their lives among the flood. As this is an engaging and animated story which brings great detail and colorful pictures to a child, the show explains children on the subject of faith, patience and obedience of Allah regardless the persecutions and difficulties to be faced by them.

9. The Story of Prophet Ibrahim and His Son Ismail

From among all the stories depicted in the Quran, none can be regarded as emblematical of faith other than the one portraying Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail. Think about the opportunity to sacrifice for something probably one loves most in life. Of all the patriarchs, Ibrahim was privileged to have a son, Ismail at a very old age after years of waiting. Through this scheme, his joy can be said to have had no bounds; however, his happiness was not to last.

In a dream, Allah asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his only son, and the son of his wife Hajaarah, Ismail. This to Ibrahim – a prophet and a obedient servant of Allah – was a test of his faith. The following morning, he realized he had to tell his son about it and did so in as polite a manner as possible. Notably, Ismail, the young man as he was, faced his impending death with so much courage and faith telling his father ‘do as you are commanded, you will find me, Insha’allah among the steadfast.’

Reluctantly but obediently, Ibrahim started to adhere to Allah’s order, in order to complete His instructions. When Abraham was preparing to kill his son, as Allah wanted him to do, Allah in His infinite compassion brought forth a ram and let the boy go unharmed. This act of abject faith and obedience is well celebrated by Muslims all over the world during the festival of Eid-ul-Adha.

This story helps children learn about faith in Allah as well as believe in Allah’s decision and also familiarises them with the idea of sacrifice for the betterment of society. Our main goal in Shaykhi Academy is to teach children, using various stories, the essence of the Islamic rituals and customs like the one mentioned above. The children understand that often faith involves sacrifice and nothing happens unless Allah wills it to happen.

10. The Story of Prophet Musa and the Pharaoh

The story of Prophet Musa (Moses) can be told as an unprecedented course of courage, faith and victory of the good over the bad. Musa was born at that period when the Pharaoh of Egypt had ordered that all new born male children of the Israel may be killed. To preserve him from imminent death, his excesses angered mother cast baby Musa in a basket down the Nile River with Allah as his protector. Unknowing that he would grow up to be her husband’s Nemesis, the basket was found by the pharaoh’s wife who adopted the child as her own.

From the story, a young boy named Musa, with growing maturity got to know the real story of his roots and the troubles of his people. His brother Hodaviah and he went up so far as Midian and there struck an Egyptian, in whom he was angered because he was handling an Israelite harshly. Terrified for his life, Musa ran away to the desert and so lived for several decades. At this time, Allah speech to him ordering him to go back to Egypt and deliver the Israeli from slavery.

Covetous mussa dared to argue with the pharaoh and to demand to free the Hebrews. Proud and rebellious, the Pharaoh declined it and as a result Egypt was stricken by a series of divine punishments. Last but not the least, Musa wanted the Israelites to escape from Egypt and in the pursuit of which the Pharaoh and his army started chasing them. Crossing the Red Sea, the Egyptian forces being near Musa, obeying the command of Allah, raised his staff at the sea and it divided. As the Pharaoh and his army followed, the waters rose again and deprived the pursuers of the chance of killing the Israelites – all of the Pharaoh’s army was drowned.

From this story, one is able to learn on faith and how to fight against oppression. The splitting of the Red Sea is one of those elements that is particularly impressive and children like it very much. In our school, Shaykhi Academy, such story is illustrated with the focus on justice, courage, and trust in Allah and is explained to children.

11. The Story of Prophet Yusuf and the Dream

One of the most illustrated and appealing stories in Quran is the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and full of passion, suspense and advice. Yusuf was the favourite son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) his brothers felt jealous and connived to eliminate him. They put him into a well and, when the caravan came by, they sold him as a slave.

Yusuf was sold to a noble man of Egypt after he was taken there by captors. Yusuf though faced the enormous challenges still tenacious in his stand by retaining unshakable faith in Allah. Obviously, he was not dishonest or deceitful, and so he was soon promoted to a trusted positing. But there is a proverb that says; ‘Where there is a human being, there is no greater problem’. And for this man, his challenges had only just begun. One day, the nobleman’s wife attempted to rape Yusuf; when he rejected her advances, she became angry and reported him to her husband; as a result, Yusuf was thrown in jail.

In prison, his skill of explaining dreams was discovered in him. He had the ability to interpret the dreams of two of his fellow prisoners and some time later, when the Pharaoh himself had a disturbing dream, he was summoned to interpret it. Joseph spoke of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of drought and by his wisdom delivered Egypt from calamity. Yusuf forgave his brothers, and reunited with his family and was promoted to a high status.

Full with life’s lessons of patience, forgiveness and faith this story is one of a kind. For it also emphasizes the aspect of trusting in Allah’s decree despite the injustice in the world. In this regard, at Shaykhi Academy, we explain to children this story with the intention to demonstrate that despite attempts made to change people’s character and faith, one should stay strong.

12. The Story of the People of the Cave (Ashab Al-Kahf)

Many years ago there was a town which was the realm of oppression, and in this town there were some young people who were the followers of the Path of Allah. But for them they were living in a town where the local king had a bad attitude because he required that the people of the town worship idols. These young men were scared for their faith and their lives and therefore decide to flee their homes and seek the protection of Allah in a cave located in the high mountains.

When they were in the cave, they called for Allah reminiscing their sins disgrace and seeking his forgiveness and permission to do what they had to. As a response to their prayer and in an equally miraculous way, Allah made them to sleep for hundreds of years. It was in this period that the couple was forgotten, and the town went through many transformations;

When the young men woke up the next morning they got the feeling that they only had slept for a few hours. One of them went again into the town at this time, and one could see from the look of the bird of prey that he was both hungry and in want of supplies. Far from home, he found out that everything was new – the cruel king was dead, and the people had embraced Islam. His personal belonging like the old coins which he was having with him were a surprise to the townspeople hence the discovery of the mystery behind the coins.

Shameer taught people a lesson of faith, trust in God and how Allah protects in the time of great tribulation through People of the Cave. 

13. The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and the Idol Worshippers

Once upon a time, Muslim stories tell us, there lived a small boy, Ibrahim (Abraham), in a city of idols; the people of this city were idolaters who bowed down to images of stone and wood. Ibrahim himself was greatly concerned by this when he was a child. He failed to grasp why cultists bowed to mere statues when there was a living God who shaped the universe, the earth inclusive.

One day, Ibrahim went nearer to the idols having a closer look at all of them. He went to the temple where the idols were placed and for his surprise , they were statues of caved stone. He said to himself, “Can these idols be gods when indeed they cannot move or speak!” Ibrahim had to devise a strategy to discharge his mission.

And he stayed until the crowd was out of the temple, on a feast day, and went in among them. Hammer in his hand he destroy all the idols but the biggest one. Ibrahim then put the hammer around the neck of the largest idol and left it there to await the people’s arrival.

To their uttermost shock, the people found the area all ravaged when they returned back from wherever they were, whether or not they were connected with the disaster or not. They directly pointed towards the largest idol and asked, ‘Who has done this to our Gods?’ Ibrahim stated, ‘Why do not you ask the big idols? They seem to be only intact.’ The people highlighted that the idols could not even speak nor defend themselves, Hence Ibrahim demolished the idols and with the help of the broken pieces of the Idols he taught them about Allah.

It is about the one and only God, and the need to question and to know.

14. The Story of Prophet Musa (Moses) and the Magicians

The ancient Egyptians received Prophet Musa (Moses) as the Allah appointed person to deliver the Children of Israel from the clutches of Pharaoh. Allah provided Musa with even greater signs; that is, changing his staff into a serpent and the light of his hand.

Wanting to cling to his throne and disprove Musa’s prophecies Pharaoh assembled all the prominent magicians of his kingdom. On the day of the great contest and according to their arts, the magicians threw the staffs on the ground and they become many serpents. Accompanied by a sparing of applause of the most enthusiastic kind, the crowd seemed to be lost in amazement.

But Musa, with the help of Allah, flung his staff and converted it into a huge serpent which gulped all the rest of the serpents. The magicians were amazed and said; none of the techniques used by Musa is actually sorcery but these are clear signs from Allah. With their hearts bowed down they confessed the existence of their God and still did not back away even from pharaoh’s wrath.

In this story, focus is being placed on the fact that only miracles happen and the use of reason is required to accept the real truth. In it, children understand that none is more powerful than God and that to understand something one has to believe in Him. 

Top Quran Stories for Kids Online Free

There are many interesting free stories for kids on the internet. There are also free podcasts, and audiobooks.

Here are some story series. Parents can narrate to their kids in bedtime. They shape the features of a kid character with good ethical messages:

1. “Quran Stories for Kids”

Quran Stories for Kids book is an appealing book written by Saniyashain Khan. It contains many Quranic stories with simple explanations for kids. The book was written in English. It is available for free on the Internet Archive Website. Edition 2006.

2. “The little storyteller”

It is a desirable book written by Sarah Badr. The book delivers the stories in an engaging presentation. It is available for free on the website of Maktabt Noor.

3. “More Quran stories for kids”

It is a wonderful book by Saniy Khan. The second edition contains more exciting stories presented in an appealing language. It is available on the Internet Archive Website

4.“The Seerah” life of Mohammed from Quran,

This is a great book. It presents the stories of our Prophet Mohammed during his life. The book was written by the creative writer Ammar Awais who is naturally apt at crafting compelling stories.

5. “Bedtime Quran stories”

The book contains exciting stories that can be narrated to kids in bedtime. It was written by the creative writer Saniyashain Khan. It is available on the Internet Archive Website

6. “101 Quran stories and dua”

This is a wonderful book that contains about 101 duas and exciting  Quranic stories for kids presented in a good way.

7. “Goodnight stories from Quran”

A series of nice stories cited in the Holy Quran that Parents can Tell to young kids before going to bed.

8. “Once Upon a Crescent Podcast”

Once Upon a Crescent Podcast has tremendous audio stories that are specifically convenient for children. Click here to visit the podcast. You will discover a tremendous podcast with an astounding Islamic. stories series presented by an American Muslim woman named Mrs. Hashimi.

Interactive Quran Learning

Interactive Quran Learning is a modern pedagogical concept that involves pushing students to collaborate in a virtual learning environment by means of Role-Playing, Singing, Acting and Funny Games. In an interactive course design, Children collaborate to share information, chant, play, and learn from each other. All strategies of interactive Quran learning are implemented in Shaykhi Academy’s Quran Memorization Course for Kids These strategies make the students more engaged in the Holy Quran learning process and more attracted to the learning environment. 

It aims to engage learners in the learning process in an active way to capture their attention for more internalization. Interactive Quran learning benefits are:

  • Dynamic Engagement
  • Developing Critical Thinking.
  • Collaboration among Students.

Here are a few options:

1. Quranic Apps

Some of the children mobile applications to find Quran knowledge are “Quran Explorer for Kids” and “Ayat- Al Quran,” having additional tools like MP3 recitations, translations, as well as quizzes. These apps give the children the opportunity of learning at their own convenience hence making Quranic education flexible.

2. Virtual Quran Classes

The classes presented by Shaykhi Academy include live Quran classes for children that are engaging and cover the needs of every child. Our classes are all conducted online and we use discussion forums where the instructor join the discussion and answer each student’s cases and some questions.

3. Animated Quran Stories

Watch a couple of animated Quran stories with the child or younger kids as this is among the best ways through which young kids maybe introduced to the Quran. These videos help in illustrating these stories in a way that they are easier to comprehend by the students. All of these animations are used at Shaykhi Academy, and are particularly useful when teaching young students.

4. Online Tafseer Classes

For older children, Shaykhi Academy also offers Tafseer classes which are taken online and which explain meanings and interpretations of verses in the Quran. These classes are more engaging and involve discussions, the use of multimedia and quizzes to increase the understanding of the Quran by the students.

5. Gamified Learning Platforms

Corresponding to “Quran Club” many sites make the process of Quran learning look like a game, providing learners with rewards and badges for accomplishing the lessons. It does not only encourage their participation but also convert learning into a social fun activity. Fortunately, Shaykhi Academy also includes the same features as gamification in our online classes for children in order to make them more interested in their Quranic learning.

Best Quran Learning Games for Kids

Quran Learning Games make the atmosphere of the learning process more interesting. They enhance creativity skills, boost understanding, and promote motivation and enthusiasm.

Some of these games are:

1. Cubes of Quran Stories:

Children attach the cubes together to form a close-knit story built on the images that come out. 

2. Quranic Treasure Quest:

An attractive and intriguing game that motivates kids to find out Quranic Verses through finding the concealed cards and setting discussions about their meanings.

3. Quran Chant forwarding Game:

A game that makes learning more enjoyable through Quranic recitation activity. The kids chant Quranic verses through reading or recitation in a forwarding circle format.

How to Learn the Quran for Kids?

There are different schemes, procedures and methods for teachers and parents to learn Quran for kids such as the Interactive Quran Learning Method, Sustainable Quran Education Scheme and Cooperative Quran Learning.

There is a pedagogical adage that says: “If a kid finds it difficult to learn in the way we teach, then we have to teach in a way the kid can learn.”

Teaching the Quran to kids encompasses various interactional strategies and approaches. Here are some hints about these approaches:

1. Presenting Quranic stories

Through using the technique of storytelling, a tutor or a parent can motivate the kids to embrace the Holy Quran. This method smooths the learning process and makes it more exciting.

2. Build a favorable Learning Environment

No matter how good you are as a tutor or how good you use your teaching methods, if the learning environment that you engender is not favorable enough, use flash cards, Colors, Role play, Chanting, Acting…etc.

3. Set Rewards

Reward those who got high marks and those who did their best but failed. The rewards can be either material such as gifts or morale such as scrolling the kid’s name in the board of honor. 

When Should Children Begin Learning the Quran?

From the age of three years; when the child’s mind is conscientious, their memorization faculties are pure, and their ability to imitate and emulate is existed. So Parents must teach their children at a young age. You have to consider the following points: 

  • The memorization process must first be done by the parents; the child’s tongue has often misaligned articulation.
  • They should learn Short Surahs in the beginning.
  • If the verse is long, it may be divided into two or three phrases.
  • No restricted times at the beginning.
  • Join online Quran Courses that are appropriate to the child’s age.

Let your Child Start the journey of The  Holy Quran With Shaykhi Academy

Let Shaykhi Academy be your companion in providing you with an enhanced Islamic culture and knowledge for your child.

Shaykhi Academy Quran Memorization Course for Kids is the proper course for your kids. It will provide them with a professional education under the auspices of experienced tutors which will result in a positive impact on your child’s religious growth. This course will teach your child how to read, recite, and understand the Quran through some interactive activities such as storytelling.

Shaykhi Academy has many authentic tutors who graduated from Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif University with long educational experience in the Quran teaching field. It is a very crucial matter that your kids should be taught under the aegis of such quality. Check out Shaykhi Academy’s Website for more details about our Islamic Courses.

Why Choose Shaykhi Academy?

  • Connect with highly qualified native tutors.
  • Flexible scheduling to suit your busy lifestyle.
  • Affordable classes tailored for all levels.
  • Accessible from anywhere around the globe.

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Quran stories for kids are considered as a cultural goal and at the same time, a wonderful educational tool to motivate children to learn virtuousness, ethics and the sciences of the Holy Quran. It contains wonderful lessons, prudent wisdom,and sensible exhortations. It is also an excellent incentive for children to memorize the Holy Quran.

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