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5 Tajweed Books For Kids With Their Advantages and Disadvantages Explained!

tajweed books for kids

Finding the best Tajweed books for kids proved to be a challenging endeavor. While many publications exert effort in their presentation, often emphasizing colorful illustrations and cartoons with large, simplistic text, these elements sometimes overshadow the essence of Tajweed itself. Although stories and interactive games can enhance the learning experience, they may not fully capture a child’s genuine interest accurately or deepen their understanding of Tajweed.

In this article, I provide a selection of books suitable for children themselves, serving as inspirational tools or introductions to ignite their curiosity and pave the way for more profound exploration. Also, the teacher or the parent can take ideas from these selections in their honorable teaching journey paving the way for his detailed work.

Most importantly, I highlight Tajweed resources tailored for educators and parents who seek to delve into this sacred mission of teaching kids effectively. By focusing on books that present Tajweed in a clear, comprehensive manner, educators can better equip themselves to teach with depth and authenticity. 

First Book: Read and Rise By Learning Roots

To begin with, the first Tajweed book for kids is “Read and Rise.” This book is a meticulously designed Quran learning tool that blends fun, speed, and efficacy. Tailored for young learners, it employs graded levels to guide children seamlessly from mastering the Arabic alphabet to confidently reciting the Quran with Tajweed.

Advantages of “Read and Rise”:

  • Learning Map: Each chapter transforms into an adventure island, igniting curiosity and enhancing engagement at every turn.
  • Reward Stickers: The inclusion of reward stickers fosters a sense of accomplishment as children mark their progress page by page.
  • Motivational Hadiths: Enriches the experience by connecting young minds with the deeper spiritual purpose behind Quranic recitation through motivational Hadiths about the significance of Quranic learning.

In conclusion, “Read and Rise” provides a dynamic and engaging approach to teaching Tajweed to children. Its combination of adventure-based learning, motivational rewards, and spiritual insights makes it a good tool for parents and educators dedicated to nurturing a love for Quranic recitation in young learners.

Second Book: The Tajweed City series by Hatim Suhaimat

Another Tajweed book directed towards kids is “The Tajweed City” series by Hatim Suhaimat. This captivating educational series is designed to foster Quranic education in an engaging manner, suitable for children aged 7 and above. It provides an age-appropriate and immersive introduction to the principles of Tajweed, making learning both fun and effective.

Advantages of “The Tajweed City” Series:

  • Age-Appropriate Content: Tailored for children aged 7 and above, ensuring the material is accessible and engaging.
  • Engaging Adventures: Introduces Tajweed rules through exciting adventures in a world that blends reality and fantasy.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Covers four key topics, including intricate rules of Tajweed, characteristics, letters, and makharij.
  • Interactive Activities: Enhances understanding through reading and coloring activities, making learning hands-on and enjoyable.
  • Protagonist Role Model: Follows a young protagonist, allowing children to relate and learn alongside the character.

In conclusion, “The Tajweed City” series by Hatim Suhaimat offers a well-rounded and engaging approach to teaching Tajweed to children, making it a suitable resource for both parents and educators looking to inspire a love for Quranic recitation.

Disadvantages of Tajweed Books Directly Addressed for Kids

While Tajweed books for kids offer many benefits, they often lack certain important factors for effective teaching. These shortcomings can hinder the overall learning experience and limit the depth of understanding that children can achieve. It’s important for educators and parents to be aware of these issues so they can supplement the materials effectively and ensure a more comprehensive educational journey.

1. Lack of Connection to Quranic Meaning: 

Many Tajweed books do not emphasize the connection between Tajweed and understanding the Quran’s messages. They fail to teach children that Tajweed is a means to an end, not the end itself. The ultimate goal is to understand and apply the Quran’s teachings in life. Tajweed helps by ensuring that our recitation is correct and in line with how Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recited. This deeper understanding can inspire children to appreciate the purpose of Tajweed and its role in their spiritual growth.

2. Excessive Use of Visual Aids:

 Many books rely heavily on visual aids that don’t directly enhance the understanding of the content. While colorful illustrations and cartoons can make the material more appealing, they sometimes distract from the actual learning objectives rather than supporting them. It’s crucial to balance visual elements with substantive content.

3. Lack of Motivation:

 The books often fail to adequately address the ‘why’ behind learning Tajweed. Without a clear explanation of the intention and importance of this science, children may not be sufficiently motivated. It’s crucial for teachers to prepare well to convey the significance of Tajweed to maintain students’ interest. Understanding the spiritual and practical reasons for Tajweed can significantly enhance a child’s motivation and commitment.

4. Insufficient Coverage: 

While the information presented is simple and accessible, it often doesn’t fully cover the subject matter. Tajweed is a detailed and intricate science, and many children’s books provide only a basic overview. Teachers need to supplement these books with extra resources and deeper explanations to provide a comprehensive understanding. This preparation ensures that the children can grasp the more complex aspects of Tajweed in a simplified yet thorough manner.

5. Superficial Real-Life Connection: 

The connection to the child’s real life is often superficial. Effective teaching of Tajweed rules requires a deeper integration into daily life and concepts that resonate more profoundly with the child’s experiences. When Tajweed rules are tied to relatable everyday examples, children can see their practical application and relevance, which enhances their learning and retention.

To sum up, while Tajweed books designed for kids can be engaging, teachers and parents should be prepared to bridge the gaps with additional resources and thoughtful explanations to ensure a comprehensive and motivating learning experience. By addressing these shortcomings, educators can create a more enriching and effective Tajweed learning journey for children.

Third Book: Noorani Qaidah by Noor Muhammad

Though essential but not limited to kids, “Noorani Qaidah” is helpful for beginners aiming to master the fundamentals of Quranic recitation. This comprehensive book introduces learners to the Arabic alphabet and the foundational rules of pronunciation, ensuring a solid base for accurate and fluent recitation. Designed to facilitate easy learning, “Noorani Qaidah” incorporates clear explanations, practical exercises, and illustrative examples.

Advantages of “Noorani Qaidah”:

  • Comprehensive Introduction: Provides a thorough introduction to the Arabic alphabet and basic pronunciation rules, establishing a strong foundation for Quranic recitation.
  • Clear Explanations: Offers straightforward and easy-to-understand explanations, making it accessible for young learners.
  • Practical Exercises: Includes a variety of practical exercises that reinforce learning and help students practice correct pronunciation.
  • Illustrative Examples: Uses visual aids and examples to demonstrate proper articulation, enhancing understanding and retention.
  • Step-by-Step Approach: Guides learners through a gradual process of mastering Tajweed principles and practicing correct points of articulation.

Thus, “Noorani Qaidah” is a valuable resource for beginner students. Its structured and comprehensive approach makes it an excellent choice for parents and educators dedicated to providing a solid foundation in Quranic studies.

Fourth Book: Tajweed Made Easy by Ruquiyah Islam

“Tajweed Made Easy” is a beginner-friendly guide designed to simplify the learning of Quranic recitation. This book breaks down the rules of Tajweed into easy-to-understand segments, providing clear explanations, practical exercises, and relevant Quranic examples. Additionally, it features unique questions at the end of every chapter to enhance understanding and retention.

Advantages of “Tajweed Made Easy”:

  • Beginner-Friendly Format: Simplifies complex Tajweed rules into easy-to-understand segments, making it accessible for learners of all ages.
  • Clear Explanations: Offers straightforward explanations that demystify the principles of Tajweed.
  • Practical Exercises: Provides practical exercises that help reinforce learning and ensure the correct application of Tajweed rules.
  • Quranic Examples: illustrate the rules, making the learning process more relatable and meaningful.
  • Comprehension Questions: Includes questions at the end of each chapter to test understanding and solidify knowledge.

Overall, “Tajweed Made Easy” by Ruquiyah Islam is an excellent resource for anyone beginning their journey in mastering Quranic recitation. With its user-friendly layout, engaging exercises, and practical examples, this book makes learning Tajweed both accessible and enjoyable for all ages.

Fifth Book: Al-Menhaj by Shaykhi Academy

The tajweed book of “Al-Menhaj,” produced by Shaykhi Academy, meticulously explores the Arabic alphabet followed by other Tajweed rules, offering practical methodologies to ensure accurate pronunciation. This book adeptly introduces the points of articulation and key qualities of letters, presenting these concepts visually and straightforwardly, catering specifically to beginners. Additionally, “Al-Menhaj” draws insightful parallels and distinctions between Arabic and English sounds, facilitating a seamless correlation for learners familiar with these sounds, thereby enhancing the ease of comprehension.

Advantages of “Al-Menhaj”:

  • Comprehensive Introduction: Provides a meticulous exploration of the Arabic alphabet, focusing on accurate pronunciation.
  • Practical Methodologies: Offers practical approaches to mastering points of articulation and key qualities of letters.
  • Visual Learning: Presents concepts visually, aiding in understanding mouth and tongue positions for correct pronunciation.
  • Sound Comparisons: Draws insightful parallels between Arabic and English sounds, making learning easier for those familiar with English.
  • Clear Explanations and Exercises: Provides clear explanations, exercises, and visual elements to enhance the learning experience.

Thus, “Al-Menhaj” by Shaykhi Academy offers a comprehensive and practical guide for learners at various levels. With its focus on accurate pronunciation, visual learning aids, and thorough explanations, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone beginning their journey into Quranic reading. Shaykhi Academy’s commitment to quality education is evident in this meticulously crafted book, making it an excellent choice for mastering the intricacies of Quranic recitation. Download The Book PDF For Free Now!

Start Your Kid’s Tajweed Journey with Sahykhi Academy!

To conclude, choosing the right Tajweed books for kids is crucial for fostering a deep and meaningful connection to Quranic recitation. While these books provide an excellent foundation, the presence of a qualified tutor is indispensable. 

A skilled tutor can offer comprehensive understanding, bridge any gaps left by the books, and bring the subject to life with interactive and engaging teaching methods. By combining quality educational resources with the expertise of a dedicated tutor, you can ensure your child not only learns Tajweed but also appreciates its beauty and significance, creating a richer and more effective learning environment. 

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There are several tajweed books for kids, such as “Read and Rise” by Learning Roots and “The Tajweed City” series by Hatim Suhaimat offer engaging approaches to teaching Tajweed to children. Both books are valuable for parents and educators seeking to nurture Quranic recitation skills in children, though they may lack deeper Quranic meaning and sometimes rely heavily on visual aids. 

Additionally, “Noorani Qaidah” by Noor Muhammad provides a comprehensive introduction to Arabic alphabet and pronunciation rules, and “Tajweed Made Easy” by Ruquiyah Islam simplifies Tajweed rules with clear explanations and practical exercises.

Lastly, “Al-Menhaj” by Shaykhi Academy explores Tajweed rules and Arabic pronunciation systematically, making it suitable for beginners. These books collectively enhance children’s understanding and practice of Tajweed through structured learning and engaging activities.

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