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 Arabic Pronouns Chart And Worksheets

Arabic Pronouns Chart And Worksheets

Here is an Arabic Pronouns Chart organized by pronoun types:

The Arabic language has a rich system of pronouns that are essential for constructing meaningful sentences and conveying clear messages. Pronouns in Arabic are categorized into different types based on their function, form, and usage. 

This chart provides a comprehensive guide to the various types of Arabic pronouns, including personal pronouns (both singular, dual, and plural), possessive pronouns, and causative pronouns. 

Each pronoun is listed alongside its transliteration, translation, and an example sentence to help learners understand its application in context. 

By exploring this chart, you will gain a better understanding of how pronouns are used in Arabic to express subjects, objects, possessions, and emphasis in both spoken and written forms. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student, this chart will serve as a valuable reference for mastering Arabic pronouns.

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1. Personal Pronouns Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningGenderExample Sentence
أناAnaISingularأنا أدرس (I study)
نحنNahnuWePluralنحن نحب (We love)
أنتَAntaYou (masc.)Singularأنتَ ذكي (You are smart)
أنتِAntiYou (fem.)Singularأنتِ جميلة (You are beautiful)
أنتماAntumaYou (dual)Dualأنتما تدرسان (You both study)
أنتمAntumYou (masc. pl.)Pluralأنتم تلعبون (You play)
أنتنّAntunnaYou (fem. pl.)Pluralأنتنّ تكتبن (You write)
هوHuwaHeMasculineهو يلعب (He plays)
هيHiyaSheFeminineهي تجلس (She sits)
هماHumaThey (dual)Dualهما يدرسان (They study)
همHumThey (masc.)Pluralهم يعملون (They work)
هنّHunnaThey (fem.)Pluralهنّ يغنين (They sing)

2. Possessive Pronouns (Attached) Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningExample Sentence
ي-iMyقلمي (My pen)
نا-naOurقلمنا (Our pen)
كَ-kaYour (masc.)قلمكَ (Your pen, masc.)
كِ-kiYour (fem.)قلمكِ (Your pen, fem.)
كما-kumaYour (dual)قلمكما (Your pen, dual)
هُ-huHisقلمه (His pen)
ها-haHerقلمها (Her pen)
كم-kumYour (masc. pl.)قلمكم (Your pen, masc. pl.)
كنّ-kunnaYour (fem. pl.)قلمكن (Your pen, fem. pl.)
هم-humTheir (masc.)قلمهم (Their pen, masc.)
هنّ-hunnaTheir (fem.)قلمهن (Their pen, fem.)

3. Causative Pronouns (Detached) Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningExample Sentence
إيايʾIyāyaMeإياي أن تسيء (Don’t offend me)
إياناʾIyānāUsإيانا مخلصون (We are sincere)
إياكَʾIyākaYou (masc.)إياكَ أن تغضب (Don’t anger you)
إياكِʾIyākiYou (fem.)إياكِ أن تذهب (Don’t go, fem.)
إياكماʾIyākumāYou (dual)إياكما أن تذهبوا (Don’t go, both)
إياهمʾIyāhumThem (masc.)إياهم أن يشاركوا (Them, don’t participate)
إياهنʾIyāhunnaThem (fem.)إياهن أن يحضرن (Don’t let them come, fem.)

4. Relative Pronouns Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningExample Sentence
الذيal-lazīWho (masc. singular)الرجل الذي جاء (The man who came)
التيal-latīWho (fem. singular)المرأة التي تكتب (The woman who writes)
اللذانal-lazānWho (dual masculine)الرجلان اللذان ذهبا (The two men who went)
اللتانal-latānWho (dual feminine)المرأتان اللتان ذهبتا (The two women who went)
الذينal-lazīnWho (masc. plural)الرجال الذين ذهبوا (The men who went)
اللاتيal-lātīWho (fem. plural)النساء اللاتي ذهبن (The women who went)

5. Demonstrative Pronouns Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningExample Sentence
هذاhādhāThis (masc. singular, near)هذا الكتاب (This book)
هذهhādhihiThis (fem. singular, near)هذه الطاولة (This table)
هذانhādhānThese (dual, masc.)هذان الطالبان (These two students)
هاتانhātānThese (dual, fem.)هاتان المعلمتان (These two teachers)
هؤلاءhāʾulāʾiThese (plural)هؤلاء الطلاب (These students)
ذلكdhālikaThat (masc. singular, far)ذلك الجبل (That mountain)
تلكtilkaThat (fem. singular, far)تلك المدينة (That city)
ذانكdhānikāThose (dual, masc.)ذانك الرجلان (Those two men)
تانكtānikāThose (dual, fem.)تانك المدرستان (Those two teachers)
أولئكulāʾikaThose (plural)أولئك العلماء (Those scholars)

6. Interrogative Pronouns Chart 

Pronoun (الضمير)TransliterationMeaningExample Sentence
منmanWhoمن هو؟ (Who is he?)
ماذاmādhāWhatماذا تفعل؟ (What are you doing?)
كيفkayfaHowكيف حالك؟ (How are you?)
متىmatāWhenمتى نذهب؟ (When do we go?)
لماذاlimādhāWhyلماذا تأخرت؟ (Why were you late?)

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