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Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns أسماء الإشارة With Exercises And Examples

Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns

ِArabic Demonstrative pronouns are of an essential core in the Arabic language syntaxes. They are used for indicating efficiently specific persons, objects or entities.

An Arabic demonstrative pronoun generally comes at the beginning of a noun sentence, it is often followed by a definite or indefinite noun.

In this in-depth article, we will shed light on the various forms and contexts of the demonstrative pronouns. We will present all the various kinds of these demonstrative pronouns with detailed explanation to their usages, their functions, their grammatical rules and characteristics. Go no further.

Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns Chart

Here is a chart of the demonstrative pronouns in Arabic language with a translation to their English equivalents and a description of their conjugations.

Arabic Demonstrative PronounsEnglish EquivalentsConjugation Description
هذاThisNear Singular Masculine
هذهThisNear Singular Feminine
ذلكThatFar Singular Masculine
تلكThatFar Singular Feminine
هذانTheseNear Dual Masculine
هاتانTheseNear Dual Feminine
هؤلاءTheseNear Plural Masculine / Feminine
أولئكThoseFar Plural Masculine / Feminine

Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns With Examples

Choosing the proper demonstrative pronoun in an Arabic sentence is basically determined by three factors; gender, number, and distance. Consequently, they are of various kinds, and each kind of them should cope with the noun that it refers to. Check Shaykhi Academy’s Learn Arabic Online Course for more details.

In this section, we will present all the demonstrative pronouns with explanations for each pronoun in detail attached with illustrative examples. We will also show the difference between each pronoun and the closest pronoun to it in terms of meaning, usage and function. Let’s start.

1. This / هذا Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative pronoun [هذا / Hadha] is the first pronoun in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. It is used to refer to a singular masculine noun. The noun that comes after, can be a definite or indefinite noun. The function of the demonstrative pronoun (This / هذا) is to refer to a near noun.

Examples of the Arabic Demonstrative Pronoun (This / هذا)

In this section we will present various examples for the demonstrative pronoun (This / هذا). Pay attention to the words in red.

A. This is a young boy.

هَذْا وَلدٌ صَغْيرٌ.

Hadha wa’la’don sa’gheron.

B. This is the boy who ate the apple.

 هَذْا هو الوَلد الّذي أَكَل التُفاحَةَ.

Hadha Hwa al-Wald al-Ladhi akal at-Tof’a’hata.

C. This is a nice dog.

هَذْا كَلبٌ لَطِيفٌ

Hadha ka’lbon la’tefon.

D. This dog seems ill.

 هَذْا الكَلبُ يَبدو مْريضًا

Hadha al-Kal’bo yabdoo ma’redan.

2. The Arabic This / هَذْه For Female

The demonstrative pronoun [هذه/ this] is the second pronoun in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. It is used to refer to a singular feminine noun. The noun that comes after, can be a definite or indefinite noun. The function of the demonstrative pronoun (This / هذه) is to refer to a near feminine noun.

Examples of the Arabic Demonstrative Pronoun (This / هذه)

Here are various examples for the demonstrative pronoun (This / هذه). Pay attention to the words in red.

A. This is a young girl.

.ٌهَذْه بنتٌ صَغْيرَة

Hadhihi benton sa’ghera’ton.

B. This is the girl who ate the apple.

هَذْه هي البنتُ الّتي أَكَلتْ التُفاحَةَ

Hadhihi Hya al-Bento al-Litee akalit at-Tof’a’hata.

C. This is a nice cat.

هَذْه قطةٌ لَطِيفةٌ

Hadhihi ke’da’ton la’tefaton.

D. This girl seems ill.

هَذْه البْنتُ تَبْدو مَريضَة

Hadhihi al-Bento ta’bdoo ma’redah.

3. That / ذلك Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative pronoun [ذلك / that] is the third pronoun in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. It is used to refer to a singular masculine noun. The noun that comes after, can be a definite or indefinite noun. The pronoun (ذلك / Dhalika) is used to refer to a far noun.

Examples of the Arabic Demonstrative Pronoun (That / ذلكَ)

Here are various examples for the demonstrative pronoun (That/ ذلك). Pay attention to the words in red.

A. That is a smart boy.

 ذَلكَ وَلدٌ نَبيهٌ

Dhalika waladon nabehon.

B. That man ate the apple.

 ذَلكَ الرَجُلُ أكَل التُفاحَةَ.

Dhalika al-Rajol akala at-Tof’a’hata.

C. That is a useful book.

 ذلكَ كِتابٌ مُفيدٌ

Dhalika kitabon mofedon.

D. That father seems kind.

 ذَلكَ الأْبُ يَبدو رَحِيمًا.

Dhalika al-Abo ya’bdoo raheemin.

4. That / تلك for Female

The demonstrative pronoun

[تلك / That] is the fourth pronoun in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. It is used to refer to a singular feminine noun. The noun that comes after, can be a definite or indefinite noun. The pronoun (ذلك / Tilka) is used to refer to a far noun.

Examples of the Arabic Demonstrative Pronoun (That / تلكَ)

Here are various examples for the demonstrative pronoun (That/ تلك). Pay attention to the words in red.

A.That is a cute girl.

 تلكَ بنْتٌ لَطيفَةٌ.

Telka benton latefaton.

B.That is the woman whom I met.

 تْلكَ هي المَرأةُ التي قَابَلتُها.

Tilka hya al-Mar’ato al-Latee qa’biltoha.

C.That is a good idea.

 تْلكَ فْكرةٌ جَيدةٌ.

Tilka fekraton jayeadaton.

D.That school seems wonderful.

 تْلكَ المَدرسةُ تبدو رَائعةٌ.

Tilka al-Madrasto tabdoo ra’a3aton.

5. These / Those – هذان/ هاتان Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative pronouns (These / Those – هذان/ هاتان) are the fifth and sixth members in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. They are used to refer to dual masculine and feminine nouns. The noun that follows them, can be a definite or an indefinite noun. They both are used to refer to a near noun.

The main difference between them is that the pronoun (Hadhan /هذان) is used with dual masculine nouns. Whereas (هاتان/ Hatan) is used with dual masculine nouns.

Examples of The Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns (These / Those – هذان/ هاتان)

Here are various examples for the demonstrative pronouns (These / Those – هذان/ هاتان). Pay attention to the words in red.

A.These are two useful books.

 هَذانِ كِتابانْ مُفيدَان.

Hadhan ketaban mofedan.

B.These are the two girls whom I met.

 هَاتَانْ هُما البْنتَان اللتَان قَابْلتَهُما.

Hatan Homa al-Bentan al-Latan qa’bill’ta’homa.

C.These are two scared boys.

 هَذَان وَلَدَانْ خَائِفَان.

Hadhan waladan kha’efan

D.These two flowers are nice.

 هَاتَان الزَهْرَتان جَمِيلاتَان.

Hatan al-Zahra’tan ga’mee’la’tan.

6. These / Those – هؤلاء/ أولئك Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative pronouns (These / Those – هؤلاء/ أولئك) are the seventh and eighth members in the demonstrative pronouns cluster. They are used to refer to plural nouns. The noun that follows them, can be a definite or an indefinite noun.

The main difference between them is that the pronoun هؤلاء / These” is used to refer to a near plural masculine or feminine noun. Whereas أولئك / Those” is used to refer to a far plural masculine or feminine noun.

Examples of The Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns (These / Those -هؤلاء/ أولئك)

Here are various examples for the demonstrative pronouns (These / Those -هؤلاء/ أولئك). Pay attention to the words in red.

A. These men are brave.

 هَؤلاَءِ رِجَالٌ شٌجْعانٌ.

Ha’olaa’e rejalon shog3anon.

B. Those are the girls whom I met.

 أُولَئْكَ هُمُ البَنَاتُ اللاَتي قَابلتُهم.

Ao’laeka homo al-Banto al-Latee qabiltohom.

C. These boys are happy.

 هَؤْلاَء نّسوةٌ سُعَداءٌ.

Ha’olaa’e neswaton so3adaon.

D. Those men are afraid of Allah.

 أٌولَئْكَ رِجَالٌ يخَافُونَ الله.

Aolaeka rejalon ya’khfoon Allah.

Impotent Note:

If the plural noun is a non-human noun, then the demonstrative pronoun will be in a singular form (Hadha, Hadhihi, Dhalika, Tilka).


These birds are flying high.

 هَذهِ الطُيورُ تُحَلقُ عَاليًا.

Hadhihi at-Tiyoor tohliko 3alyen.

In the above-mentioned example, the word (birds /الطيور) is a plural noun, but it is non-human noun, therefore, it took the singular demonstrative pronoun هذه not the plural demonstrative pronoun “These /هؤلاءor “Those/ اؤلئك”. Visit Shaykhi Academy’s page to check General Arabic Course for more details about this point.

Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns Exercises

The following exercises will help learners gain much understanding about the Arabic demonstrative pronouns.

Choose the appropriate Arabic pronoun from brackets and put it into the space to complete the sentence.

(هذا / هذه/ هذان / هاتان/ هؤلاء)

Sentence in ArabicEnglish Sentence
……. كَلبٌ صَغيرٌ.……. is a small dog.
……… كِلابٌ صَغْيرةٌ.……. are small dogs.
…..…. مَدرستَان كَبيرَتْان.……. are two big schools.
……… تُفاحَاتْان.……. are two apples.
……… النِسوةُ يطبُخونَ الطَعْامَ.……. women are cooking food.
……… البنْتُ تَبكي.……. girl is crying.
….….. القطُ يَلْهو.……. cat is playing.
…. .…. الشَابَان يَضْحكان.……. two young boys are laughing.
….….. الأولَادُ رَائْعُون.……. guys are amazing.
……. الْدُب مُخيف.……. bear is frightening.

Start Your Worthwhile Journey of Learning Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns with Shaykhi Academy

Shaykhi Academy presents large sets of enhanced grammatical theories and information about the affluence and abundance of the Arabic language.

Shaykhi Academy’s Online Fusha Arabic Course To Learn Modern Standard Arabic is a unique course for all learners. The course covers many essential language syntaxes and semantics about all kinds of the Arabic demonstrative pronouns. It also deals with additional grammatical thoughts and points of view.

Shaykhi Academy’s all-inclusive lessons present immersive educational knowledge tailored professionally to attract the learners’ admiration.

Shaykhi Academy’s Online Fusha Arabic Course To Learn Modern Standard Arabic is taught under the auspices of the experienced tutors Dr. Mahmoud AlAssal and Sh. Luqman ElKasabany.

All the teaching staff of Shaykhi Academy graduated from Al-azhr Ash-sharif University. They had wonderful experiences in the Arabic language teaching field. It is an essential matter to be taught under the aegis of such quality.

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Arabic Language CTA


A successful acquisition of the demonstrative pronouns in the Arabic language is an essential demand towards obtaining much grammatical information about the Arabic language. This will definitely prepare Arabic language’s learners to have a good command of the essentials of the Arabic language’s syntaxes and semantics.

The demonstrative pronouns in the Arabic language’s grammar offer a delicate and multifaceted reference to the specific nouns that are based on gender, number, and distance. A steadfast grasp of these grammatical rules allows for a great accuracy of learning the Arabic language.

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