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Definite and Indefinite Articles in Arabic – “The” in Arabic Language

Definite and Indefinite Articles in Arabic

Learning about definite and indefinite particles in Arabic language is a crucial topic. It is an important and building-block knowledge for all levels of all Arabic language learners. Acquiring the grammatical concept of definite and indefinite articles will definitely help you to understand the structure of the Arabic nominal sentence syntaxes. In Arabic language, however, […]

Types of Laam in Arabic Grammar And Their Rules, Uses And Examples 

Types of Laam in Arabic Grammar

Laam (ل) is an essential letter in Arabic, with various roles depending on the context. It can serve as a marker for definiteness, a linking word, or a particle, each contributing to the overall meaning and flow of a sentence in Arabic grammar. Acquiring further knowledge about the types of Laam in Arabic grammar is […]

Present Tense In Arabic Full Guide With Charts

Present Tense In Arabic

Present Tense (اِلْفِعْلُ الْمُضارِعُ) indicates activities that take place in the present time or expresses continuing actions. In some cases, it refers to actions that are going to happen in the future. Unlike the past tense, which reflects accomplished actions, the present tense specifies actions that are in progress, regular routine, or actions that are […]

Arabic Future Tense And Its Types, Prefix, Conjugation, And More 

Arabic Future Tense

The Arabic future tense (الفعل المستقبل) predicts actions that will occur in the future and is formed by adding the prefix س or the particle سوف to the present tense verb. While traditional grammar does not consider it an independent tense, it is widely recognized as such for practical purposes. There are two main forms: […]

How to Become a Quran Teacher? Tajweed Teacher Guide

How to Become a Quran Teacher

Being a teacher is not an easy matter as a general rule. So what about being a Quran teacher! Accession to the membership of Quran teaching is an honorable endeavor that necessitates dedication, knowledge, and a deep spiritual liaison to the Quran. The Quran teacher plays a paramount role in the society and in the […]

Arabic Past Tense: The Best Arabic Past Tense Verbs Guide

Arabic Past Tense

In Arabic past tense, the action has already been accomplished. It stands for events, actions, and situations that started in the past time and are no longer perpetual. The past tense provides a clear intimation that an action has reached a full completion. It is often used for reporting past experiences and stating narrated events. […]

Tenses in Arabic: Full Guide To Verb Tenses

Tenses in Arabic

Arabic verbs (أفعال / Af’aāl are underpinned on a set of two to five (often three) letters called a word root, these letters are always consonants.  The verb root can be triliteral, quadriliteral or quintuple according to the number of its consonants. The root announces the basic meaning of the verb,  Adding prefixes or suffixes […]

Top 14 Quran Stories for Kids And 8 Free Resources

Quran Stories for Kids And 8 Free

Quran stories for kids is a matter of the essence for all parents who desire to teach their kids the Holy Quran as they offer worthwhile lessons and implant moral values into the Child’s cognitive structure at a young age. Quran stories are a part of the Quran course for kids that parents should always […]

You Deserve The Best Online Quran Teacher for Kids!

How to choose the best online Quran teacher for kids

The best online Quran teacher for kids can be easily found if you take certain criteria into consideration. What are those criteria? we will find out! Before knowing how to choose the best online Quran teacher for kids, let’s first know who is considered a kid? Who Are Kids? The United Nations Convention on the […]

The Best Online Quran Course You Might Get!

online Quran course

This article is for all non-Arab Muslims, or even the Arabs living in a non-Muslim country looking for a great online Quran course, so if you’re interested please keep reading! What Is The Holy Quran? “لَوْ أَنْزَلْنَا هذا الْقُرْآنَ عَلَىٰ جَبَلٍ لَرَأَيْتَهُ خَاشِعًا مُتَصَدِّعًا مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللَّهِ ۚ “If we had sent down this Quran upon […]

Learn to Read Quran Online From Home!

learn to read quran online

How Can I Learn to Read Quran Online from Home? Amidst our fast life, we tend to forget very important questions: How good is our relationship with the Quran? How much time and effort do we spend in reciting, studying and understanding this Guide, granted to us by Allah to lead a successful and happy […]

Want A Qualified Online Quran Teacher Egypt? Your Dream Came True!

online Quran teacher egypt

If you’re looking for an online Quran teacher Egypt but you live far away and can’t afford to go and study there, then you are in the right! Why Egyptians Are Fond of Teaching Their Kids The Holy Quran? The Nature of Egyptians The people of Egypt are emotional and sentimental human beings, they have […]