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How We Learn Tajweed Online for Kids Effectively?

Tajweed Classes Online

Our classes to Learn to Read Quran Online for Kids combine learning and having fun at the same time. This is the main strategy for our Online Quran teachers for kids!

In this article, you’ll know first the qualities of our qualified Online Quran teachers for kids and then how they make Online Quran Learning For Kids Enjoyable!

Let’s get started!

What Are The Qualities Of Our Qualified Online Quran Teachers For Kids?

The Qualities Of Our Qualified Online Quran Teachers For Kids

Since starting your mission as a parent searching for a teacher for your kid, you are like a warrior on the battlefield! You’re exaggerating, writer!! Honestly yes, but Why I’m doing so! It’s just for your sake! It’s only just to make you aware of how much it’s significant to find a proficient wise teacher having all the correct educational approaches.

Now, you’ll know the qualities of our teacher who teach Online Quran Learning For Kids as an answer to why you should choose us!

We’ll make Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable by offering you an online teacher who is:

1. Patient Online Quran Teacher For Kids.

It’s unarguable that any educator should have this feature just to be liable him a teacher. Almost certain teachers can control their temper regarding any trouble that arises in the class and they even may have the ability to take quick decisions to sort out what’s happened.

Patience, accompanied by a controlling temper are the finest qualities may any teacher has especially with kids. It’s well known that children are spontaneous and may provoke the teacher, but the real teacher only who can deal with that.

I remember that IBS – a nickname of one of my students – has spent almost one month memorizing surat al Alaq but he wasn’t able to do it as he’s 6 years. Suddenly in one of our classes, I found him crying! I puzzled! I asked him why you’re crying and here’s the answer” I can’t memorize it, Auntie.” After that, I tried to ease him into discussing different topics. I told him ”you know IBS, it’s fine to face difficulty while memorization.” Every time you read or memorize a word from Quran, Allah rewards you by the number of letters a word contains” I resumed. We didn’t end the class till he show me his fascinating smile.

This is the first quality of the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the first point that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

The online Quran teacher for kids you’ll get is not just patient, but also

2. Friendly Online Quran Teacher For Kids.

I know some parents want to choose a tough teacher for their kids even if they know that hardness doesn’t work for them!! This looks very strange to me! Indeed, our teachers are super friendly. They act with students as friends.

I even remember one of the online Quran teachers for kids when he said that at the beginning of any new class he speaks to their students saying ”Hey you, We’re friends here, forget about teacher and student issue!”

If you want your kid enjoys classes, they shall admire the teacher, too. This is the second quality of the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the second point that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

Also, the online Quran teacher for kids you will get is:

3. Innovative Online Quran Teacher For Kids.

You have to care about this dear parent as kids get bored easily, you have to make sure that you get an innovative teacher who is able to set their imagination free to discover new methods and games with your child to make your kids learn and enjoy! As a parent, Care more about the added value from this quality while delivering the message of each lesson.

In reality, you may find the teacher creates his own games to try – for the 1st time – during your kid’s class even if the teacher is an experienced online Quran teacher for kids, and here is the surprise when it works! By allowing this, as a parent, you make a favor for the teacher by giving him the chance, and your kid benefits, too.

I hope that you understand now that you have a role with us my dear parent to make Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

This is the third quality of the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the third point that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

4. Compassionate Online Quran Teacher For Kids.

On one of the days, I found one of my students sends me a virtual heart ❤️ that appears suddenly in the class. At first, I didn’t think that was deliberate but then I asked him if he does so, and ” yes” was the answer. You may think that online classes aren’t sufficient to express your feelings toward those you love. Somehow yes, but it allows us to use specific things to deliver our feeling.

This is actually one of the very important points that make Online Quran Learning For Kids very enjoyable! Alhamdulillah, all our teachers have mutual compassion between them and their students, and here is the key… If the kids love their teacher, they’ll have the ability to learn and receive the info and will love the class as well!

Some students are crying when the class is canceled for whatever reason!! This student will learn in the same way as the student who hates the class and attends it by force?! Of course not.

This is the fourth quality of the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the fourth point that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

5. Supportive Online Quran Teacher For Kids.

Dealing with kids requires using motives and the ability to use different voice tones to react with your child, so you need a supportive teacher. Relying on rewards like if we finish this part, we’ll play your favorite game. Regardless of the supportive words, you as a parent have to grant your youngster materialistic reward like some candies, going for a walk together, etc.

One word might change the whole life of a person and each online Quran teacher in our academy understand this well!

In Islam, it’s a charity (sadaqah) to utter a good word, Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported, the Prophet (ﷺ) said,

Want Enjoyable Online Quran Learning For Kids?

“It is also charity to utter a good word.”

— [Al- Bukhari and Muslim]

“والكلمة الطيبة صدقة‏”

— [متفق عليه‏]

There are many quotes that support this meaning such as:

Want Enjoyable Online Quran Learning For Kids?

“No one can change a person, but a person can be the reason someone changes.”

“One kind word can change someone’s entire day

This is the fifth quality of the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the fifth point that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

Here is an example of one of the real classes, and here are some feedbacks from some students, Fatima Abid and Mariam Abid from Australia and Hamza Ossama from UK.

What’s stated above are the main features of our online teachers who will teach your kids, my dear parent, so, let’s now move to the second part of this article which is how they make Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

What Are The Effective techniques Of Our Qualified Online Quran Teachers For Kids To Get Them Engaged?

There are many effective techniques our online teachers use to get students engaged in Quran Classes and to make Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable. Let’s figure out some of them!

The Effective techniques Of Our Qualified Online Quran Teachers For Kids To Get Them Engaged

The first technique is:

1. Breaking The Ice.

The first impression lasts and for sure it’s important for both teacher and student. For so our teachers are always keen to satisfy the kids by making them love the class and you’re going to notice that. By the start of your kid’s 1st class, you will find that it’s not an exact class as the teacher does his best to break the ice to get the student involved.

One of the techniques is that when the teacher asks about the student’s day and how they spend it, whether it’s a routine or a special one, the teacher will do the same to get to know each other. Another way is when the teacher asks your little kid if he has a nickname or a favorite one to call him. If the answer is ”no” the teacher will choose one telling him ”next class I need you to share me with one from your choice”

This is the first used technique by the online Quran teacher for kids you will get and also the first strategy that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

The second one, however, is:

2. Build Close Relationships With Students.

This technique that’s applied by the online Quran teacher for kids you will get can done by many ways, such as:

A. Sharing A Part of Personal Life. (Hobbies – Sports – Favourite Subjects).

I really enjoy this part with my students.

I know that boys like football. Hamza is a different one; he doesn’t like football but swimming. He thinks it’s useless to run purposeless for 90 minutes and more. He asked me about my favorite sport I replied” volleyball!”

During Ramadan, Abu Bakr decided to open exceptionally his camera to show me Ramadan’s decorations. I told him to teach me how to make Ramadan’s lamp – Fanous -. This event makes me eager to decorate my home sharing this with him. By the end of Ramadan, Abo Bakr told me that he has helped his mom in baking Eid cookies- Kahk-.

Every class Nihal asks me about my cat to the extent that I thought that she likes it even more. In one of the classes she says,” where’s your cat?” I answered,” It’s sleeping on the sofa”. She even asks me to carry the laptop to where it’s sleeping just to see it!! After that, it wakes up and Nihal decides to draw him asking about his name which is” COOKIE.” By the way, she notices that its eyes are different one is baby blue and the other is yellow.

You see how this strategy makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

B. Showing Interest Towards Their Interests.

I love painting even more than drawing but I do love drawing with others.

I usually ask my students to draw, but this case was very strange to me. In the first class with Sumera, I asked her to draw something and she agreed and it was one of the finest drawings I’ve ever seen. After the class, her mom insisted a lot to start doing classes telling me that ”Sumera loves you boundlessly and wants to start as fast as possible.” I was surprised by their reaction as I didn’t do anything unique to love me. But here is the trick, without warning; I played on Sumera’s interest regarding drawing, that’s why I captivate her heart. Here’s one of her drawings while teaching me how to draw 🙂

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You see how this strategy makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

C. Considering Their Personal Preferences.

It’s not a secret that we teach only Quran, tajweed, and Arabic reading through our online classes. But the kid’s curiosity may push them to choose other fields of knowledge and that’s what we found in the classes from some students.

In one class ago, Sumera asked me at the end of one of her classes saying ”Can I ask you something, I wanna learn the Arabic numbers.” It was a little bit weird to me but because I do my best to make my Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable, I promised her to implement her request. Mashallah, she’s a fast learner and almost reached counting to 20 in Arabic!

I think it becomes clear for you, my dear reader, to which extent this technique makes Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

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This is how I practiced letters with Sumera! ❤️
(For the sake of making Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable)

It becomes now more clear how Building Close Relationships With Students that’s applied by the online Quran teacher for kids you will get makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

Let’s now move to the third technique that helps to make our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable, which is:

3. Fun Time And Playing Games In The Quran Classes.

One of the physical games I do love with my Quran Students is Sun and Moon game. I going to ask my student to stand up while I state the instructions. Firstly, we say sun you’re going to take a step forward lifting your right hand and the opposite for the moon. As the student goes with the game mood, you’re going to make it challenging. For instance, saying the sun is a sign for taking a step forward, standing on one foot as well as touching your nose, and vice-versa. It’s not an active game to get rid of boredom but also to have fun.

The last example of games really makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable.

Also, what makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable is to keep repeating Ayats a number of times, then you’ll hide some words within the Ayats with colorful blocks asking your student to guess the hidden words. Somehow like this but try to hide not highlight.

Also, it’ll become better when we give them chances in the beginning as it’s clear in the next image:

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This not just makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable but it also motivates students! Motivation?! It’s the time now properly to move to the fourth technique that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable.

4. Motivating Kids And Inspiring Them.

Recently, I’ve tried something new with one of my students. Literally, it’s not easy to control her due to being talkative. I decided to give her feedback about her doing within the class but honestly, she inspires me first when she starts drawing an evaluation paper about my level imagining that she was going to send it to my mom. Every now and then she’s keen to have her assessment by the end of the class and once she gets positive feedback she becomes over the moon.

In another class, “How is my little princess?” was the secret to make my Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable. This girl somehow is lazy and nothing motivates her but these marvelous words change the scene. She, of a sudden, makes up her mind to act like a princess applying class etiquette from concentration to interaction to the extent that her teacher thought that she’s replaced by another one!

This is the POWER OF THE WORD, dear parents and educators.

This is not the only example of motivation to make Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable, but there are a lot of examples!

Let’s now move to the fifth technique that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable which is:

5. Making The Students Act As Teachers.

Easy and effective! This is how I describe this technique. To make sure that your son understands 100%, you’ll find sometimes the teacher permits your kid to take turns being the teacher explaining or summarizing the lesson.

To understand to which extent how this makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable, this is one of the feedback that I’ve got from one of the students and thankfully; it was good!


Making The Students Act As Teachers that makes our Online Tajweed Learning For Kids enjoyable has several ways to be applied, such as the next real story:

In one of my student’s classes, we usually start drawing as it’s our favorite. Then, we come to the practical part but I was confused as we almost tried every single game. Thereafter, I told my student that we will read Arabic words as always and if anyone makes 4 mistakes there would be a punishment. ”Punishment! Is it hard!?” she screamed.” No, No, it’s a funny one.” I replied. Later on, I deliberately committed some faults to test her level and to make her win. Soon, she passed a judgment that I have to do 40 push-ups! I was truly shocked asking her to reduce this punishment. I promised her to do it at the end of the class but I forgot and was about to end the class. Suddenly, she yelled ”wait, wait, you’ve to do the push-ups”.

Let’s now move to the sixth technique that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable which is:

6. Scaffolding.

It’s one of the great techniques that has its influence in Quran classes. This approach depends on three stages. Initially, the teacher is going to start a sound recitation and the student will follow up just by ear which is (Model Behavior).

Further, it’s the student’s role now to begin his trials by reciting part of an Ayah and the teacher will direct him explaining the Ayat theoretically and practically which is known as (Guided Practice). Finally, this is the so-called (Independent Practice) where the student’s role is to read the whole part, while teacher’s is to correct avoiding the theoretical explanation.

Let’s now move to the seventh technique that makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable which is:

7. Useful Stories.

This is one of the really helpful techniques and it really makes our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable. Let’s discover that together through real situations during our real classes!

One of Ramadan’s day, Ibrahim was very happy, he even couldn’t wait to start class. When I notice this I said” you’re glad today!” He revealed that he has got prophets’ stories including prophet Ibrahim’s as he started it first. I started relating this story mentioning Allah’s miracles to save his prophet then we had a discussion about the story and what’re the lessons- learned from it.

Let me tell you another story with Nihal:

Two classes ago, I started playing treasure game with Nihal. It’s about reading Arabic words and collecting the diamonds and she enjoyed it a lot and it was her first time to play it. Eventually, we started drawing the treasure’s map and I questioned” Do you want to know One of Jannah’s Treasures” She sincerely said” of course!” I said, it’s La hawla wala quwwata illa billah ” لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ”.

Useful Stories is one of the most important techniques that make our Online Quran Learning For Kids enjoyable!

Want Enjoyable Online Quran Learning For Kids?

Kids’ teachers are like doctors. You may trust one who is unfortunately ineligible?! Of course not and it’s a disaster. It’s pretty hard to fix what the unskillful teacher does, so you have to choose your kids’ teacher carefully as you’re building an entity for your Islamic social and private welfare.

How To Join Our Enjoyable Classes of Online Quran Learning For Kids?

To Join Our Enjoyable Classes of Online Quran Learning For Kids

Want Our Enjoyable Online Quran Learning For Kids? Here are the steps my dear parent:

1. Filling Out Subscription Form.

Kindly, Fill Out The Form Of Online Quran Learning For Kids.

2. Recieving A Confirmation.

You’ll receive a confirmation that your application of Online Quran Learning For Kids is accepted.

3. Attending The Trial Class.

Now, your kids will attend with the online quran teacher for kids in the suitable time for them. You’ve up to 2 trial class before deciding joining us!

4. Subscribing To The Shaykhi Academy.

If your kids loves our classes and the teacher, and you decided to join, you can choose one of these plan and join!


(Q&A of Enjoyable Online Quran Learning For Kids!)

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It needs patience from you my dear parent and to make them learn with a qualified Quran Tutor who has the qualities and uses the techniques we mentioned above!

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